Digital Cash

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Title: "Digital Cash"


Mr. SIU Sing Yu


In this paper, digital cash is studied systematically. It will be shown
that digital cash can be divided into two radically different types. One
will be named as authoritative cash, following the mainstream research of
digital cash started at 1989, which has adopted a model where a trusted
authority is required to control the issuance of digital cash. Another one
is anarchic cash, following the philosophy of anarchism and emerged at
around 1998, which has adopted a Peer-to-Peer model such that no single
authority will have full control of the cash. Then exemplary model from
each of these two types of digital cash will be illustrated in detail.
Then economic view of money is presented and a set of features constitute
to ideal cash is suggested. Finally this set of features is applied to
examine the benefits and problems of these two types of cash.

Date            :       3 May 2014 (Sat)

Time            :       9:00am to 10:00am

Venue           :       5503 (lift 25)

Advisor         :       Prof. Cunsheng DING

2nd Reader      :       Dr. Huamin QU