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Finding Maximum Regret Ratio Minimizing Sets of Minimized Size
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering Final Year Thesis Oral Defense Title: "Finding Maximum Regret Ratio Minimizing Sets of Minimized Size" by Sepanta ZEIGHAMI Abstract: From providing suggestions to users to summarizing the information in the database, selecting a subset of points from a database that are representative of the information in the database is a problem with many applications. Looking at the problem of selecting such a representative set from the perspective of the users, it is important to include the datapoints in the set that ensure that all the users are satisfied with the set, at least to a certain extent. In this project, we discuss how the satisfaction of the users can be quantified and we propose an algorithm by which a subset of the database can be selected that guarantees that all the users are satisfied with the selected points to a desired extent. We prove that our algorithm is an O(dlogn)-approximation algorithm, where d and n are the dimensionality and size of the database respectively. We, furthermore, prove that the problem we address is NP-Hard and we complement our theoretical results with empirical studies that show the effectiveness of our algorithm in practice. Date : 24 April 2017 (Mon) Time : 17:00 - 18:00 Venue : 2128C (via lift 19) Advisor : Dr. Raymond WONG 2nd Reader : Dr. Wilfred NG