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Positive Response Recommendation in Social Media Based on Human Need Analysis
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering Final Year Thesis Oral Defense Title: "Positive Response Recommendation in Social Media Based on Human Need Analysis" by LIN Shuya Abstract: A long-standing area of interest in positive psychology is to understand how to bring about sustainable happiness. In view of the prevalence of "Kua kua qun" (praise groups) phenomenon in recent years, this project aims to explore how daily social media interactions might help to boost happiness and improve the life quality of users. Based on state-of-art human need analysis of affective events, we constructed a model to analyze user tweets and reveal underlying needs. Then, leveraging the LDA modeling technique and the established HappyDB corpus, our pipeline recommends keywords and similar stories that could help followers to construct content-rich positive responses that would delight the post owner. Potential applications of our work include enhancing user experience in online forums and assisting with self-help anxiety and depression management. Date : 4 May 2020 (Monday) Time : 17:00 - 17:40 Zoom Meeting : Advisor : Dr. MA Xiaojuan 2nd Reader : Dr. WONG Raymond Chi-Wing