Pose Guided Hand-drawn Character Animation

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Final Year Thesis Oral Defense

Title: "Pose Guided Hand-drawn Character Animation"


LIN Chuan-en


Hand-drawn character animation is an important art form. Given a blank 
canvas, artists create animations through a sequence of frame-by-frame 
character sketches. However, given its free-form nature, artists need to 
deliberately consider temporal consistency across frames, often through 
trial and error. We present Dummy, an interactive interface exploring the 
assistance of pose-guided drawing guides for authoring hand-drawn 
character animations with temporal coherence. The artist first sketches 
the main keyframes. For each keyframe, Dummy extracts the character's 
underlying skeleton (pose) as representations. Dummy then interpolates 
representations between neighboring keyframes and synthesizes drawing 
guides for in-between frames, visualized as dummy figures. In a 
within-subjects study comparing Dummy to a baseline condition, artists 
experienced an increased quantitative performance and qualitative 
perception of satisfaction.

Date            : 16 May 2020 (Saturday)

Time            : 16:00 - 16:40

Zoom Meeting    : https://hkust.zoom.us/j/163928105

Advisor         : Dr. MA Xiaojuan

2nd Reader      : Dr. SANDER Pedro