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Privacy-preserving program analysis with homomorphic encryption
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering Final Year Thesis Oral Defense Title: "Privacy-preserving program analysis with homomorphic encryption" by WANG Yujie Abstract: Program analysis is a widely used technique in malware detection or other security aspects of computer programs. However, there is a concern that existing commercial program analysis services may leak user's privacy and steal the program's source code given that users usually must upload their software samples onto the service providers for program analysis. To prevent leakage of privacy, in this paper, we demonstrate the feasibility of performing analysis of encrypted programs by adopting Homomorphic Encryption to existing program analysis techniques. More specifically, we explore the feasibility of performing both static and dynamic analysis of encrypted programs. Moreover, to dynamically analyzing encrypted programs, we propose a scheme called privacy-preserving processing, in which we implemented a MIPS-like privacy-preserving processor that can execute encrypted machine instructions. Date : 8 May 2021 (Saturday) Time : 15:50-16:30 Zoom Link: Meeting ID : 996 2589 8365 Passcode : 765576 Advisor : Dr. WANG Shuai 2nd Reader : Prof. YI Ke