Secure Multi-party Computation over Private Data

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Final Year Thesis Oral Defense

Title: "Secure Multi-party Computation over Private Data"


JIANG Tianrui


Secure multi-party computation is a subfield of cryptography that aims at 
enabling distrusting parties to jointly compute a function while keeping 
their inputs private. Join-aggregate query is a critical type among these 
functions, which shares a modest scope of knowledge. A novel protocol, 
oblivious Yannakakis, was proposed by my supervisor to securely and 
efficiently compute an important class of join-aggregate queries in 
two-party setting. In this project, we implemented a small-scale database 
management system that adopts the protocol in multi-party computation of 
free-connex join-aggregate queries.

Date            : 15 May 2021 (Saturday) 

Time            : 16:00-16:40 

Zoom Link: 

Meeting ID      : 996 2589 8365 
Passcode        : 765576 

Advisor         : Prof. YI Ke   

2nd Reader      : Dr. WANG Shuai