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Differentially private SQL evaluation
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering Final Year Thesis Oral Defense Title: "Differentially private SQL evaluation" By WU Zhiang Abstract: Differential privacy is currently one dominating approach to guard against the SQL query results from releasing individual information for data analysis tasks. The multi-way join counting query presents a significant difficulty towards realizing the privacy-preserving query release. Residual sensitivity is an unprecedented mechanism that efficiently computes query answers with low noise and can be easily integrated into a relational database. It measures instance-dependent sensitivity for multi-way joins and supports any number of private relations. In this project, we implemented and tested an improvement of residual sensitivity. Date : 3 May 2022 (Tuesday) Time : 16:40-17:20 Zoom Link: Meeting ID : 988 0573 5082 Passcode : 572269 Advisor : Prof. YI Ke 2nd Reader : Prof. LUO Qiong