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Parameterized Pointer Analysis
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering Final Year Thesis Oral Defense Title: "Parameterized Pointer Analysis" by HE Jiayou Abstract: Pointers give programmers direct access to low-level storage, hence enriching program semantics However, pointers or references are usually the culprits of program errors because their indirect referencing nature poses challenges to debugging. The analysis necessitates a global lookup, which is typically expensive. We exploit the sparseness of the control flow graph to obtain a more compact representation of the control flow for an exhaustive pointer analysis. We proved that the problem is harder than a Multicut instance of $(G, H)$, which is APX-Hard, even with $tw(G)$ bounded. Nevertheless, Like Multicut, we showed that the problem has an FPT solution when the $tw(G+H)$ is bounded. Date : 2 May 2024 (Thursday) Time : 16:00 - 16:40 Venue : Room 4475 (near lifts 25/26), HKUST Advisor : Dr. GOHARSHDAY Amir 2nd Reader : Prof. YI Ke