Internship and Graduate Jobs - Information for Employers

Summer Internship & One-year Internship

We encourage non-final year students to take summer internship or one-year internship so as to broaden their industrial horizons. We therefore contact numerous companies in different industries every year to arrange summer internship and one-year internship of computer-related discipline for our students.

General Guidelines

If you are interested in offering summer internship and/or one-year internship to nourish the next IT generation, or to train up potentials for your company's future development, please contact us today! The following information may serve as general guidelines to help you with the planning.

1. Duration

  • Summer Internship:
    3 months, from June to August of the year.
  • One-year Internship:
    12 to 15 months, from June of the year to May or August of the next year.

2. Training & Supervision

It is suggested that the company should provide a relevant training program for each student intern. It is expected that students should be provided opportunities to learn different skills, both technical and non-technical through the trainings and their job duty itself.

Besides, it is highly recommended for the company to assign a mentor with relevant expertise to supervise the student intern. The mentor should be responsible for providing general guidance and technical advices to the student, assessing their performance during the training period and reviewing their training from time to time.

3. Making a Job Offer

If the company makes an offer to a student, details of the terms (e.g. name of student employed, position, salary, employment period) should be given to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering via for reference and record. If the company requires student to sign a separate company employment contract or any other agreement, a copy of the document should be sent to the Department for reference as well.

4. Termination

If, for whatever reasons, the company would like to terminate the internship with the student, the company is advised to discuss with the Department for the best possible solution for the both parties, before any action is taken.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering shall have the right to terminate the internship in case a lack of appropriate training or support to the student during the internship is found.

How to Get Started (for both internship and graduate jobs)

Company interested in offering summer internship, one-year internship or graduate jobs to our students should first complete the job posting form and email it to , and we would respond to you at our earliest convenience to discuss the possible arrangement.

Download Job Posting Form (docx format)

Summer Internship Recruitment Timeline

2024-25 Event Notes
February 3 Spring Term commences Start receiving job posting requests from employers.
Please allow at least 2 weeks for the department to post the job ads. The best time for students to submit applications is March/April so that internship arrangements could be finalized in early May, before the final exam period.
May 12-29 Study break and final examination period Job offers should best be confirmed by the end of April to avoid clashing with students' examinations and important assignments during towards the end of the academic year.
May 29 Last day of Spring Term  
June - August Internship period It lasts for either a summer or one-year depends on the type of job.

Career Talks

Career talks are managed by the HKUST Career Center directly. If your company is interested to give a career talk, please contact the HKUST Career Center for more details.


While the information above serves as a general reference for the program, we also welcome arrangements or collaboration of other kinds. For further information, please contact:

Ms. Sylvia MAK
Assistant Manager (Outreach & Development)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Dr. Kenneth Wai Ting LEUNG
Chairman, Committee on Internship and Industrial Training
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong