CSE MPhil Student awarded first prize in Challenge Cup National Competition - Hong Kong Regional Final
Current CSE MPhil student, Chun Ming AU and teammate Chi Kin Benjamin LAI participated and won first prize in the information technology innovation section of the Challenge Cup National Competition - Hong Kong Regional Final, Hong Kong Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2017. Following the award, they would proceed to the national competition to be held in Shanghai in November 2017.
Their Final Year Project titled "UMix - A Mobile Application of Music Production Tool", advised by Prof Andrew HORNER was created during his studies as an undergraduate student at CSE. It was previously awarded the CSE Best FYP Award 2015-16 and the Best FYP Video Award 2015-16. Their project, UMix is an iOS based application aiming to provide a portable and innovative means of digital music production, such as converting human vocals into melodic and percussive music instruments.
Congratulations and good luck with the national competition!

AU Chun Ming (Kenneth)