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CSE Students Receiving Awards from the 16th Final Year Project Competition and the 13th Postgraduate Paper Contest

Hosted by IEEE Hong Kong Computational Intelligence Chapter, several CSE UG graduates and current PG students won awards from the 16th Final Year Project (FYP) Competition and the 13th Postgraduate Paper Contest, which includes:
16th FYP Competition:
- Tavish GOBINDRAM awarded Champion with his FYP "Building an AI for Cache Management In Content-Centric Networking" supervised by Dr. Brahim BENSAOU
- Tong GAO and Yimeng SUN awarded 2nd runner-up with their project "AI Chatbot Solution for e-Learning Environments" supervised by Prof. Dit-Yan YEUNG
13th Postgraduate Paper Contest:
- Tianwen CHEN awarded 1st runner-up with his project "Session-Based Recommendation with Local Invariance"
- Dandan LIN awarded 2nd runner-up with her project "First Index-Free Manifold Ranking-based Image Retrieval with Output Bound"
- (both Tianwen and Dandan are CSE PG students supervised by Dr. Raymond WONG)
Congratulations to all awardees!

Last updated on 2019-09-30
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