FYP Supervised by Dr. Desmond TSOI Received Gold Award of HKUST President's Cup 2020
CSE undergraduate student, Minsoo KHANG and CPEG undergraduate student Lok Yin LEE received Gold Award of President's Cup 2020 with their final year project "Indoor Guiding System for the Visually Impaired". The project was supervised by Dr. Desmond Tsoi.
The Indoor Guiding System was designed for the visually impaired to help them in retrieving their necessities in a household context. The system has a user-friendly and intuitive interface, with voice command and interactions using auditory and tactile signals. There was also customization in the voice recognition for users and in object detection pipeline for various users' necessity objects. The entire guiding system was also designed to run in a close circuit so the system would not need to rely on cloud based services, and would protect the privacy of users.
The HKUST President's Cup is an annual event for undergraduate students of the University to compete for the awards based on outstanding achievements in research and innovation.
Congratulations to Minsoo, Lok Yin and Dr. Tsoi!
For more details, please refer to the President's Cup announcement and poster of the Indoor Guiding System.

Lok Yin

