FYP Supervised by Dr. Desmond TSOI Bestowed Multiple Awards in HKUST President's Cup 2021
The HKUST President's Cup is an annual event for undergraduate students of the University to compete for awards based on outstanding achievements in research and innovation. In HKUST President's Cup 2021, 2 projects supervised by Dr. Desmond TSOI received Gold Award and Special Mention respectively, while the project supervised together by Dr. Desmond TSOI & Dr. Sai-Kit YEUNG received Silver Award. In addition, a final year project supervised by Dr. David ROSSITER also received Special Mention.
Supervised by Dr. Tsoi, the project "Mynah: An Assistive Tool for the Speech Impaired" done by CPEG students Umakant Datt BHATT, Aayush SHRESTHA and Ka Hong SUNG is awarded President's Cup Gold Award this year.
Their project, Mynah, is a system designed for the speech impaired that can automatically produce a speaking head model video using text and short video in an effective and affordable way. It takes short samples of speech (10 sentences), which could be theirs (if less impaired) or anyone close to them (if severely impaired), to train a custom voice model and a picture whose face the user wants to model initially as a one-off input. After both the inputs are collected, the users will only be required to select the model and type a text script to generate talking head model videos. While Mynah operates as a mobile application which can be accessed anywhere without requiring external assistance, it is more convenient and financially affordable for the speech impaired.
The Silver Award was presented to Mashiat LAMISA, ISD undergraduate student with her project "Designing an Integrated Cloud Based System for Controlling and Monitoring Autonomous IoT Device" supervised by Dr. Tsoi and Dr. Yeung.
The objective of the project was to provide a complete integrated solution for anyone to scale an IoT system. It proposed a scalable, cloud-based multi-platform technological ecosystem that can monitor, control, assess and authenticate several devices with multiple sensors from both consumer and commercial end points. The scope covers developing an autonomous water purification system for both domestic and enterprise usage for specifically washing machines; constructing an efficient, readable and timely monitoring and control system of each of the components of the treatment system and building a central system to monitor and control more than one unit of a purification system.
COGBM student, Gin Yui TSANG with the project "Long Term Investing with Dynamic Hedging Using a combination of Stocks and Options" supervised by Dr. David Rossiter and COMP student, Xiangan TIAN with the project "Vivian: Decentralized Global Naming and Storage System on Tangle Distributed Ledger" supervised by Dr. Desmond TSOI are specially mentioned in the President's Cup 2021.
Congratulations to the awardees and supervisors!
For more details, please refer to the President's Cup announcement.

Screenshot of FYP Video Trailer by group DES2

Presentation Screenshot of Mashiat LAMISA

Screenshot of FYP Video Trailer by Gin-yui TSANG

Photo of COMP student Xiangan TIAN