Qualifying Exams, Proposal Defenses & Thesis Defenses (Summer 2024)

Summer 2024

Date Candidate Title Announcement
22 August 2024 Miss Jia LI Exploring Deep Learning Architectures for Spatial Interpolation PhD Thesis Defence
21 August 2024 Mr. Zhihua JIN Visual Analytics for Data-Centric Machine Learning PhD Thesis Defence
21 August 2024 Mr. Christodoulos PAPPAS Pigeon: A Space-Efficient zkSNARK with Optimal Proving Time MPhil Thesis Defence
21 August 2024 Mr. Xu GENG Multi-source cross-city transfer learning for region-based spatial distribution prediction PhD Thesis Defence
19 August 2024 Miss Linping YUAN Adapting Computational Creativity Support From Desktop to Virtual Reality PhD Thesis Defence
19 August 2024 Mr. Sen LI Towards Trustworthy Visual Generative Models: Reliable and Controllable Generation of Diffusion Models MPhil Thesis Defence
19 August 2024 Mr. Yu Ho LO On Understanding Misleading Visualizations, Automatic Detection, And Prevention PhD Thesis Defence
16 August 2024 Miss Qian ZHU Designing Interaction with Immersive Visualization for General Public PhD Thesis Defence
15 August 2024 Mr. Shuai MA Designing Human-AI Alignment to Improve Collaborative Decision-Making PhD Thesis Defence
13 August 2024 Mr. Jincheng YU Efficient Training Strategy for Aesthetic Text-to-Image Generation Diffusion Model MPhil Thesis Defence
13 August 2024 Mr. Kien Trung PHAM TALE: Training-free Cross-domain Image Composition via Adaptive Latent Manipulation and Energy-guided Optimization MPhil Thesis Defence
13 August 2024 Mr. Tuan Anh VU Robust Scene Understanding in Challenging Scenarios PhD Thesis Defence
13 August 2024 Mr. Qingyu GUO Understanding the Temporal Rhythm of User Engagement in Online Creative Community with Data-Driven Approaches PhD Thesis Defence
12 August 2024 Mr. Chengbo ZHENG Towards Human-AI Collaborative Information Synthesis PhD Thesis Defence
12 August 2024 Mr. Congying XU A Survey on the Identification of Effective Metamorphic Relations for Metamorphic Testing PhD Qualifying Examination
12 August 2024 Mr. Truong Hai NGUYEN Vision-Aware Text Features in Referring Expression Segmentation: From Object Understanding to Context Understanding MPhil Thesis Defence
9 August 2024 Mr. Chun Yi Louis BO Neural Question Generation and Evaluation with Large Language Models MPhil Thesis Defence
8 August 2024 Mr. Tianqing FANG Commonsense Knowledge Base Population and Reasoning for Inferential Knowledge PhD Thesis Defence
8 August 2024 Miss Ka Wing Yoyo YEUNG Incorporating Domain-Specific Insights for Automated Test Generation MPhil Thesis Defence
7 August 2024 Miss Jiehui LUO Understanding Perceptions of Idealized Characters Through a Comprehensive Analysis of Feedback on Mary Sue Novels MPhil Thesis Defence
7 August 2024 Mr. Rui YANG Towards Efficient Multi-objective Alignment of Large Language Models MPhil Thesis Defence
7 August 2024 Mr. Libin WANG Towards Effective Use of Constrained Shortest Paths in Road Networks PhD Thesis Defence
6 August 2024 Mr. Ka Shun SHUM Automatic Prompt Augmentation and Selection with Chain-of-Thought from Label Data MPhil Thesis Defence
5 August 2024 Mr. Hao ZHANG From query to prompt: Towards Open-World Perception PhD Thesis Defence
5 August 2024 Mr. Ronglai ZUO Vision-Based Sign Language Processing: Recognition, Translation, and Generation PhD Thesis Defence
2 August 2024 Mr. Wentao XIE Understand Human Behaviours with IoT Sensors: From Physical to Physiological Sensing PhD Thesis Defence
2 August 2024 Mr. Zihao WANG Learning Approach for Querying Neural Graph Databases PhD Thesis Proposal Defence
31 July 2024 Mr. Yichen LI Testing Secure Multi-Party Computation Compilers MPhil Thesis Defence
30 July 2024 Mr. Xiaoyu ZHENG Vision-Language Pre-training for Medical Imaging PhD Qualifying Examination
30 July 2024 Mr. Yuen Fui LAU ENTED: Enhanced Neural Texture Extraction and Distribution for Reference-based Blind Face Restoration MPhil Thesis Defence
30 July 2024 Mr. Jiaxin ZHUANG Towards 3D Atlas of Human Body via the Foundation Model: A Survey PhD Qualifying Examination
29 July 2024 Mr. Andong FAN Modular Programming through Precise Typing of Open Recursion MPhil Thesis Defence
23 July 2024 Mr. Pak Ming FAN Development of Laboratories for Immersive Virtual Environments Using a Design Thinking Approach PhD Thesis Defence
23 July 2024 Miss Yingshu CHEN Exploring Neural Stylization and Rendering Across 2D and 3D Visual Modalities PhD Thesis Proposal Defence
22 July 2024 Mr. Haotian LI Bridging Data Analysis and Storytelling with Human-AI Collaborative Tools PhD Thesis Defence
22 July 2024 Mr. Rui PAN Acceleration Techniques and Systems for Training Deep Neural Networks MPhil Thesis Defence
19 July 2024 Mr. Wuqi ZHANG Defect Detection for Smart Contracts and Blockchain Applications PhD Thesis Defence
18 July 2024 Miss Rongrong GAO Multi-modal Data Fusion and Sensing for Complex Indoor Scenes PhD Thesis Defence
17 July 2024 Mr. Zhili CHEN A Survey on Knowledge-driven Autonomous Driving PhD Qualifying Examination
16 July 2024 Mr. Jipeng ZHANG Data Selection for Large Language Model Training PhD Qualifying Examination
16 July 2024 Mr. Haoran LI Enhancing Trustworthiness in Large Language Models: Perspectives on Privacy and Safety PhD Thesis Proposal Defence
15 July 2024 Miss Huimin WU Label-efficient Learning by Exploiting Unlabeled Data with Higher-quality Supervision PhD Thesis Defence
12 July 2024 Mr. Yubo WANG A Survey on Hyper-Relational Knowledge Graph Embedding Models for Link Prediction Task PhD Qualifying Examination
12 July 2024 Mr. Yushi SUN A Survey on AI-based Table Column Semantic Type Annotation Methods PhD Qualifying Examination
12 July 2024 Mr. Chenyang QI High-quality Image and Video Editing with Generative Models PhD Thesis Defence
12 July 2024 Mr. Weisen JIANG Meta-Learning with Complex Tasks PhD Thesis Defence
5 July 2024 Mr. Zhengrui GUO A Survey on Long Sequence Visual Modeling with Deep Learning PhD Qualifying Examination
3 July 2024 Mr. Yijia CHEN Deforestation: Techniques for Removing Intermediate Data Structures PhD Qualifying Examination
28 June 2024 Mr. Pingchuan MA Algorithms, Applications, and Verification of Causal Structure Learning PhD Thesis Proposal Defence
28 June 2024 Miss Jingzhi FANG Optimizing the Inference Efficiency of Deep Neural Networks on the Graph and the Operator Level PhD Thesis Defence
28 June 2024 Mr. Hon Hing CHAK A Survey on Advancements and Challenges of Model-based Reinforcement Learning PhD Qualifying Examination
28 June 2024 Mr. Zhuoxuan PENG Single Domain Generalization for Crowd Counting MPhil Thesis Defence
27 June 2024 Miss Zihan LI Sparse Gradient Communication for Accelerating Distributed Deep Learning MPhil Thesis Defence
26 June 2024 Mr. Yicheng HU Finding Maximum Common Subgraphs PhD Qualifying Examination
26 June 2024 Mr. Zheye DENG Exploring Advanced Information Extraction: A Survey on Structured Output Generation from Textual Data PhD Qualifying Examination
26 June 2024 Mr. Sehyun CHOI Knowledge Grounded Generation with Inference-Time Optimization and Constrained Decoding MPhil Thesis Defence
25 June 2024 Miss Zifan SHI High-quality 3D Generation from Single-view Images PhD Thesis Defence
24 June 2024 Mr. Qiyao LUO Secure Multi-party Query Processing PhD Thesis Defence
14 June 2024 Mr. Chengzhong LIU Support the sustainable usage and development of the shared knowledge on CQA platforms PhD Thesis Defence
14 June 2024 Miss Qian ZHU Designing Interaction with Immersive Visualization for General Public PhD Thesis Proposal Defence
12 June 2024 Mr. Van Quyet DO ConstraintChecker: A Plugin for Large Language Models to Reason on Commonsense Knowledge Bases MPhil Thesis Defence
12 June 2024 Miss Linping YUAN Adapting Computational Creativity Support from Desktop to Virtual Reality PhD Thesis Proposal Defence
11 June 2024 Mr. Chengbo ZHENG Towards Human-AI Collaborative Information Synthesis PhD Thesis Proposal Defence
11 June 2024 Mr. Linfei GE Towards Acoustic Sensing in Human-centered Enhanced Interaction PhD Thesis Defence
7 June 2024 Miss Yanna LIN Making Data Communication Effective and Efficient in Computational Notebooks PhD Thesis Proposal Defence
7 June 2024 Mr. Chenglin WANG Solving Recurrence for Program Verification PhD Thesis Defence
6 June 2024 Mr. Zhihua JIN Visual Analytics for Data-centric Machine Learning PhD Thesis Proposal Defence
4 June 2024 Mr. Haoren ZHU Deep Learning for Financial Time Series Forecasting PhD Thesis Proposal Defence
4 June 2024 Miss Jianben HE Interactive Visual Analytics for Multimodal Video Data Exploration and Model Steering PhD Thesis Proposal Defence
3 June 2024 Mr. Xi ZHAO Efficient Approximate Vector Search in High-Dimensional Spaces PhD Qualifying Examination
3 June 2024 Miss Wen JI A Survey on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation PhD Qualifying Examination
3 June 2024 Mr. Yichen LIU Object Segmentation in Neural Radiance Field MPhil Thesis Defence
3 June 2024 Miss Shiwen WU Deep learning techniques for entity resolution PhD Qualifying Examination

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