Exploring Data

Date: 7 October 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 7-8pm
Venue: LTC and Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID (registration required): 913 3341 1458
Passcode: 441277
Title: Exploring Data
Speaker: Prof. Raymond Wong, CSE


There are a lot of real-life decision-making problems which can be formulated using some existing data analysis models based on data. These models could bring a lot of benefit to different domains. In the talk, I will discuss some successful stories using data. Then, I will discuss some common techniques using data.

Speaker Bio:

Raymond Chi-Wing Wong is a Professor in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He was the Director of the Computer Engineering (CPEG) Program from 2014 to 2016 and was the Associate Director of the Computer Engineering (CPEG) Program from 2012 to 2014. He received the BSc, MPhil and PhD degrees in Computer Science and Engineering in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2002, 2004 and 2008, respectively. In 2004-2005, he worked as a research and development assistant under an R&D project funded by ITF and a local industrial company called Lifewood.

From May 2006 to Aug 2006, he was a visiting student of Prof. Jian Pei and Prof. Ke Wang, at Simon Fraser University in Canada. From Aug 2007 to Sept 2007, he visited IBM T.J. Watson Research Center as a summer intern under the supervision of Prof. Philip S. Yu. From Jun 2008 to Jul 2008, he visited Prof. Tamer Ozsu at University of Waterloo as a visiting scholar. Some of his collaborators are Prof. Ada Fu (2003-2013), Prof. Ke Wang (2003-2013), Prof. Philip S. Yu (2009-2013), Prof. Jian Pei (2006-2011), Prof. Tamer Ozsu (2009-2011), Prof. Jiuyong Li (2006-2011), Prof. Yufei Tao (2007-2009), Prof. Ihab Ilyas (2009), Prof. Jeffrey Yu (2009), Prof. Lei Chen (2008) and Prof. Eamonn Keogh (2008).

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