FAQ for Students (FYP/FYT 2019-2020)


Final Year Project (FYP) or Final Year Thesis (FYT) is a required course to COMP, CPEG, COGBM and CPGBM students and optional course to COSC students. FYP or FYT is one of the required courses to DSCT.

FYP/FYT is a year-long course across three semesters from Summer, Fall to Spring term. The credit distribution is 1, 2 and 3. For COMP, COSC, CPEG and DSCT programs, Year-3 students and Year-4 students who have not taken FYP/FYT before should start your FYP/FYT in Summer 2018-19. For COGBM and CPGBM programs, Year-3 students or Year-4/5 students who have not taken FYP/FYT before should start your FYP/FYT in Summer 2018-19 as well.

Final Year Thesis

Students with CGA of 3.70 (A-) have the option to do an individual final year thesis (FYT) under the supervision of a faculty member. Students with strong research interests opting for the "Research Option" should do FYT. This option is for students who would like to pursue PG research studies. If you are interested, please discuss with the faculty member who has posted a FYT in the system. All requirements for the FYT and the deadlines for submission are the same as those for the FYP.

In this case, COMP/DSCT/COGBM students should register for COMP 4981H while CPEG/CPGBM students for CPEG 4902.

Requirement for Early-Taking FYP/FYT

FYP/FYT are intended for students in 3rd year and 4th year as of Spring term for COMP/CPEG/DSCT and COGBM/CPGBM respectively, i.e., those who are expected to graduate in 2020.

Other students will be allowed to take FYP/FYT early if you can show that you will graduate in 2020. For second year COMP/CPEG/DSCT students, the minimum requirement is 80 credits by the end of Spring 2019 with CGA at 3.0 or above. For 3rd year COGBM/CPGBM students, the minimum requirement is 130 credits by the end of Spring 2019 with CGA at 3.0 or above. You are required to seek approval from FYP Coordinator by sending your transcripts and study plan to show possibility of graduation in next calendar year.

Verify Eligibility

All eligible students are included in FYP Management System (FYPMS). FYPMS opens for this purpose one week before project description release. When you login the system, you may encounter the following situations:

  1. System is not available: The system will open on the project release date. You can access the project information via FYPMS on or after project release date.
  2. No account: Your student information is not included in the FYPMS. You have to seek approval from FYP Coordinator via email for taking FYP/FYT with deviation from your recommended study pathway.
  3. Incorrect password: Your login password is not correct. You can contact CS System for assistance.

CPEG Students Taking CSE Projects and COMP/CPEG Mixed Groups

CPEG students are included in both the CSE FYPMS and the ECE FYPMS. Once they commit to projects in one system, their names will be removed from the other system, and please take note of the following items:

  1. CPEG students can form groups with CSE students.
  2. CPEG students are encouraged to select projects which involve both software and hardware or integrative system design. Some supervisors might explicitly state that their projects are suitable for CPEG students
  3. Students in CSE-CPEG mixed groups need to register for their respective courses: COMP 4981 and CPEG 4901.

FYPMS Regulation Vs Course Registration

FYP Management System (FYPMS) is a platform where you can form team, bid for project and submit assignments. Students who have committed FYP/FYT projects by end of Spring 2018-19 will be pre-enrolled in FYP/FYT courses in Summer 2018-19, Fall 2019-20 and Spring 2019-20. For uncommitted students, you have to enroll COMP 4981/H or CPEG 4901/4902 and LANG 4030 during class enrolment period in SIS. You have to seek instructor's consent in SIS for enrolling the courses.

Sponsorship of Equipment

The Department sponsors the FYP groups to buy equipment for doing FYP projects. You need to seek approval from your supervisor about getting sponsorship to buy equipment. In later stage, you need to seek your supervisor’s endorsement on the receipts and then submit them to CSE admin staff for reimbursement. Please contact your FYP supervisor for details.

Students on Internship or Exchange-out or Other Leaves

For COMP or CPEG students who would like to work on a COMP FYP/FYT during their internship, exchange-out or other leave periods, please refer to the following guidelines:

  1. Please approach your FYP/FYT advisor and seek his/her written agreement (such as emails or any documents) to continue supervising your FYP/FYT during the period of leave. You should state clearly the time frame of your leave period (e.g. the starting and returning dates of internship or exchange-out period). If you are doing a group project, you should also seek written agreement from your group mates who understand that you will be working with them on the FYP during your leave.

  2. After obtaining the written agreement, you should register for the FYP/FYT project online and ask your advisor to commit you to the project to complete the matching process.

  3. Students should still follow the due dates for various reports, presentation & demo and poster as specified on the FYP/FYT webpage. A student may seek a delay of any activities due to your leave but such delay requests should be made to the FYP/FYT Coordinator with the writing support from the student's advisor.

  4. Upon your return to UST as a full time student from your leave, you need to enroll in the appropriate FYP/FYT course yourself. The credit(s) for the leave period will be automatically moved to the following semester.

  5. [Guideline for COMP Students] After obtaining written agreement from your advisor and group mates (if any) as stated in item 1, you need to send an email to Ms Hilda CHAN () with a subject: "FYP/FYT: Registering for internship/exchange-out students" and attach all the agreement as early as possible. You MUST provide clearly the name of your FYP/FYT advisor, your full name and student ID in the registration. Please also copy this request to your FYP/FYT advisor and the CSE FYP/FYT coordinator Prof. Nevin ZHANG () as well. We will acknowledge your email afterward. Please note that, you MUST enroll in the appropriate FYP/FYT course upon your return to UST as a full time student.

  6. [Guideline for CPEG Students] Similarly, after obtaining written agreement from your advisor and group mates (if any) as stated in item 1, you need to send an email to the CPEG FYP/FYT coordinator Dr. Brahim BENSAOU () with a subject: "FYP/FYT: Registering for internship/exchange-out students" and attach all the agreement as early as possible. You MUST provide clearly the name of your FYP/FYT advisor, your full name and student ID in the registration. Please also copy this request to your FYP/FYT advisor and Ms Vicky YUEN () as well. We will acknowledge your email afterward. Please note that, you MUST enroll in the appropriate FYP/FYT course upon your return to UST as a full time student.

  7. [Additional Note] It is possible for a COMP or CPEG exchange-out student to complete a COMP FYP/FYT or an equivalent project course at their place of exchange-out. You need to consult the FYP/FYT coordinator for approval before leaving to your exchange-out institution.