Final Year Projects/Final Year Theses (COMP/CPEG) 2019-2020


Date Event Notes
2019-04-10 (Wednesday), 6-7pm Information Seminar Attend 2019-20 FYP/FYT Information Seminar scheduled to be held on 10 April 2019 (Wednesday), 6-7pm in LTC. Download presentation slides.
Check out Group Mates Finders if you are looking for group mates for your FYP.
2019-04-12 (Friday), 0:01am Project Descriptions Released to Students See the list of projects. Sign into the FYP Management System for the details of the project/thesis descriptions. See also industrial projects.
Check out Before Starting and Getting Started with Your FYP, prepared by the communication tutors.
Get familiar with the Computing Facilities for FYP.
2019-04-16 (Tuesday), 0:01am Project Registration Opens Choose a project/thesis by registering online. Note that you are committed to an FYP/FYT once your request is accepted. The earlier you make the commitment between you and the project advisor, the better your chances are of getting your favorable project. You may check FAQ for details.
2019-09-19 (Thursday), 11:59pm Proposal Report Due Read the detailed instructions for your report carefully. Attend Library workshops to learn how to use library and Internet resources. Meet the communication tutors and meet their deadline to improve your English. Submit your reports via the FYP Management System. The penalty for late submission is 5% per day. You are encouraged to upload your photos to the FYPMS so that the second reader can match your face with your name.
Proposal Report Graded Check your grade and comments from your advisor & reader when you sign into the FYP Management System from October 5, 2019 onwards.
2019-10-25 (Friday), 11:59pm Individual Essay Due Download Essay Template. Check out Individual Ethics Essay, prepared by the communication tutors. Submit your essay via the FYP Management System. The penalty for late submission is 5% per day.
2019-10-31 (Thursday), 11:59pm Monthly Report for October Due Download Monthly Report Template (.docx). Submit your monthly report via the FYP Management System.
2020-02-28 (Friday), 11:59pm Progress Report Due Read the detailed instructions for your report carefully. Meet the communication tutors and meet their deadline to improve your English. Submit your report via the FYP Management System. The penalty for late submission is 5% per day.
Progress Report Graded Check your grade and comments from your advisor & reader when you sign into the FYP Management System from March 14, 2020 onwards.
Oral Presentation Schedule Released FYP oral presentations will be scheduled to be held on two Saturdays (May 9 and May 16, 2020).
FYT oral defenses should be scheduled individually by the advisor and reader, to be held during the period from May 9 to May 16, 2020. Check the presentation schedule.
Request Demo Equipment from CS System Request special demo machines or equipment. Should you need to borrow demo machines or equipment, please send an email to CS System () to check the stock and schedule a time slot for collection.
2020-04-29 (Wednesday), 11:59pm Final Report, Self-Assessment Report & Monthly Reports for November and December/January Due Read the detailed instructions for your report carefully. Meet the communication tutors and meet their deadline to improve your English, also check out their advice on writing Final Report and Self-Assessment Report. Download Self-Assessment Report Template (.docx). Submit your reports via the FYP Management System. The penalty for late submission is 5% per day.
2020-05-09 (Saturday) to 2020-05-16 (Saturday)* Oral Presentation & Demo Check the presentation schedule. All presentations will be video recorded. Each project group has 40 minutes, including Q&A. Overrun is not normally allowed. Read Advice on Oral Presentation, from the communication tutors.

* Few presentation sessions may be scheduled during the weekdays in mid May due to the availabilities of faculty members. Students are recommended to reserve time to do presentation during the whole weeks in mid May, 2020.
2020-05-18 (Monday), 11:59pm Program Code Due Upload your program code to CSE Linux Workstations as follows (for Windows):
  1. Start SSH Secure Shell -> Secure File Transfer Client (SFTP)
  2. Connect to any of the host names, ..., with your CSE UNIX account
  3. Set remote directory to /csproject/fyp19upload/<project_code>,
    e.g. "/csproject/fyp19upload/ach1"
    ** Input "/csproject/fyp19upload" directly even though you do not see any sub-directory under "/csproject" because it is mounted on demand.
  4. Drag & drop your files to the remote directory
Contact if you have any problems in uploading files.
2020-05-20 (Wednesday), 11:59pm Short Video Due Usually, students are required to submit a poster as part of the FYP/FYT requirements. For 2019-2020, the poster is replaced by a short (up to 3-minute) video.

Read the video upload instructions. Submit your 3-minute video in MP4 format. Include the project code and title of the FYP/FYT, the names of the group members, and the names of the supervisors in the beginning of the video.
Final Report & Oral Presentation Graded Check your grade and comments from your advisor & reader when you sign into the FYP Management System from May 23, 2020 onwards.
2020-05-22 (Friday) to 2020-06-04 (Thursday) Short Video Online FYP/FYT poster video will be displayed online for the public to view, as well as second readers to view and grade.

See Poster Gallery.
Short Video Graded Check your grade and comments from your reader when you sign into the FYP Management System from June 6, 2020 onwards.
2020-06-05 (Friday), 11:59pm Video Due for the Best FYP/FYT Video Award Details of the award.

The Best FYP/FYT Video Awardees are:
CSB1, Low cost modular home monitoring infrastructure using Raspberry PI and Arduino
DES2, ZINC - Online Assignment Submission & Automatic Grader System
DES4, Microsurgery Mobile VR Simulation Platform
MA3, An Android App for Cantonese Lipreading Using the LipNet Technology
NGOK1, A HKUST Restaurant Recommendation System

See the list of Best FYP/FYT Videos.
  Best FYP Award The Best FYP Awardees are:

CSB1, Low cost modular home monitoring infrastructure using Raspberry PI and Arduino
DES2, ZINC - Online Assignment Submission & Automatic Grader System
TM1, Automated Vision-based Wellness Analysis of Elderly Care Center Citizens
YIKE2, First-Person Computer Shooter Game with Eye Tracking and Unity

Also considered for nominations to external competitions!

See the list of Distinguished FYPs.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)


The objectives of this course are to:

  1. Provide an opportunity for the student to apply and integrate the knowledge acquired throughout his/her undergraduate study.
  2. Develop the capabilities of a student in analyzing and solving complex and possibly real-case problems.
  3. Develop a student's skills in the systematic development, documentation and presentation of a significant piece of work.

On successful completion of this course, students are expected to be able to:

  1. Develop original solutions to computer science engineering problems of significant complexity.
  2. Utilize prior knowledge, independent research, published information, and original ideas in addressing problems and generating solutions.
  3. Critically evaluate different design concepts, and justify the final choice of design through engineering analysis.
  4. Use software engineering tools to plan, design, implement, validate and maintain a project.
  5. Prepare and deliver a well structured written analysis of a project, as well as an oral presentation.
  6. Establish relationships and implement practices with team members and advisors that will underpin a high level of performance and encourage continuous improvement.


The objectives of this course are to:

  1. Provide an opportunity for the student to apply and integrate the knowledge acquired throughout his/her undergraduate study.
  2. Develop the capabilities of a student in analyzing and solving complex and possibly real-case problems.
  3. Develop a student's skills in the systematic development, documentation and presentation of a significant piece of work.

On successful completion of this course, students are expected to be able to:

  1. Develop original solutions to computer science engineering problems of significant complexity.
  2. Utilize prior knowledge, independent research, published information, and original ideas in addressing problems and generating solutions.
  3. Critically evaluate different research approaches, and justify the final choice of design through system development, simulation and/or analysis.
  4. Use computational and/or mathematical tools to plan, design and validate an approach if needed.
  5. Prepare and deliver a well-structured written analysis of the project, as well as an oral defense.
  6. Establish relationships and implement practices with advisors and/or local/international researchers that will underpin a high level of performance and encourage continuous improvement.

The FYP/FYT Coordinator

  • Prof. Nevin ZHANG ()