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FYP/FYT/Co-op Oral Presentation Schedule (2019-2020)
Check the FYP presentation schedule (PDF format). See also the FYT Oral Defenses.
Project List (2019-2020)
Project | Oral Presentation | ||||||
Code | Type | Cat. | Title | 2nd Reader | Date | Time (HKT) | Venue / Meeting ID |
ACH1 | FYP | 4 | 2D Reflective Image Generation Using Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) | qianzh | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 16:30-17:10 | 731-079-177 |
AR2 | FYP | 8 | Computer Game 2 | shuaiw | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 15:40-16:20 | 970-196-300 |
BL1 | FYP | 6 | Decentralized Cloud Platform | qianzh | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 15:40-16:20 | 731-079-177 |
BL2 | FYT | 6 | Outsource GNU Make to AWS Lambda Platform With Lmake | weiwa | 2020-05-13 (Wed) | 14:00-14:40 | 215-596-041 |
CD1 | FYP | 15 | A Software Implementation of Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme | charlesz | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 13:10-13:50 | 296-911-643 |
CD2 | FYT | 7 | Digital Money | yike | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 14:30-15:10 | 932-0085-1035 |
CD3 | Co-op | 15 | [Co-op program] Risk Analytics for Cybersecurity in SmartCity | lzhang | 2020-05-08 (Fri) | 14:30-15:30 | 955-0366-6428 |
CECI1 | FYP | 14 | USTravel Advisor | charlesz | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 12:20-13:00 | 296-911-643 |
CECI2 | FYP | 13 | Pillar: A Smart Medicine Reminder and Pill Tracking System | dekai | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 09:50-10:30 | 938-884-134 |
CECI3 | FYP | 13 | A Mobile Game for Promoting Health and Well-being | dekai | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 10:40-11:20 | 938-884-134 |
CK1 | FYP | 4 | Atomic Action Recognition | achung | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 09:00-09:40 | 124-161-864 |
CK3 | FYP | 4 | Deep Quadrupedal Pose Estimation from Single Videos | achung | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 09:50-10:30 | 124-161-864 |
CK4 | FYP | 4 | Fast Video Object Segmentation with Temporal Aggregation Network and Dynamic Template Matching | achung | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 13:10-13:50 | 124-161-864 |
CK5 | FYP | 4 | One-shot Object Detection without Fine-tuning | achung | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 14:00-14:40 | 124-161-864 |
CQF1 | FYP | 4 | Low-Light Video Enhancement Using Deep Learning | psander | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 17:20-18:00 | 119-884-044 |
CQF2 | FYP | 4 | Photorealistic Image and Video Synthesis | psander | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 18:10-18:50 | 119-884-044 |
CQF3 | FYP | 4 | Deep Video Artifact Removal | psander | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 19:00-19:40 | 119-884-044 |
CQF5 | FYP | 4 | Realistic Image Composition with Shading and Orientation | psander | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 17:20-18:00 | 119-884-044 |
CQF6 | FYP | 4 | Computer Vision in the Dark | psander | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 18:10-18:50 | 119-884-044 |
CSB1 | FYP | 11 | Low cost modular home monitoring infrastructure using Raspberry PI and Arduino | shuaiw | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 12:20-13:00 | 970-196-300 |
CSB2 | FYP | 13 | Personalized Expenditure Prediction and Fitness Tracking Application with Behavioral Pattern Analyzing | arya | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 11:30-12:10 | 476-100-253 |
CSB3 | FYP | 13 | Web application for learning ARM assembly language programming | lixin | 2020-05-20 (Wed) | 15:00-15:40 | 112-159-475 |
DES1 | FYP | 4 | Augmented Reality Presentation Tool - PresentAR | panhui | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 09:50-10:30 | 258-675-384 |
DES2 | FYP | 1 | ZINC - Online Assignment Submission & Automatic Grader System | qianzh | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 10:40-11:20 | 731-079-177 |
DES3 | FYP | 4 | Indoor Guiding System for the Visually Impaired | qianzh | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 11:30-12:10 | 731-079-177 |
DES4 | FYP | 13 | Microsurgery Mobile VR Simulation Platform | taow | 2020-05-21 (Thu) | 14:00-14:40 | 596-061-160 |
DES5 | Co-op | 13 | [Co-op Program] Message Interaction Management System | taow | - | ||
DESCECI1 | FYP | 5 | TRAP: A VR and Mobile Cross-platform Networking Game | arya | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 13:10-13:50 | 476-100-253 |
DI1 | FYP | 9 | Mining Events Using Social Media Data | hunkim | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 13:10-13:50 | 235-627-708 |
DIP1 | FYP | 13 | A smart blockchain for IoT devices | golin | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 10:40-11:20 | 630-725-282 |
DL1 | FYP | 1 | A System for Portfolio advising and Risk Management using market news and historical data | dipapado | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 13:10-13:50 | 809-013-538 |
DL2 | FYP | 1 | Memex: A Transformation from Text to Knowledge Graph to Empower Discovery | arya | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 10:40-11:20 | 476-100-253 |
DL3 | FYP | 1 | A System for Predicting and Explaining Stock Price Prediction | dipapado | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 14:00-14:40 | 809-013-538 |
DY1 | FYT | 9 | Few-shot Classification with Novelty Detection using Meta-learning | scc | 2020-05-15 (Fri) | 14:50-15:30 | 113-843-145 |
DY2 | FYP | 9 | A People Counting Application at HKUST | hunkim | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 15:40-16:20 | 235-627-708 |
DY3 | FYP | 9 | An Online Learning Platform with Natural Language Processing Supported Teaching Assistant | hunkim | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 16:30-17:10 | 235-627-708 |
FL1 | FYT | 9 | Multi-label Relation Classification Using BERT | yqsong | 2020-05-14 (Thu) | 11:00-11:40 | 592-856-162 |
FL2 | FYP | 9 | Route Planning for Multiple Logistic Robots | hunkim | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 17:20-18:00 | 235-627-708 |
GCH1 | FYT | 9 | Indoor crowdsourced Wi-Fi fingerprinting with network embedding | raywong | 2020-05-20 (Wed) | 14:00-14:40 | 947-854-476 |
GCH2 | FYP | 9 | Trackify - Dementia Patients Anti-Wandering System Using Mobile Crowdsourcing | hunkim | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 10:40-11:20 | 235-627-708 |
GCH3 | FYP | 2 | HKUST Path Advisor 2.0: Smart mobility and navigation in HKUST campus | charlesz | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 11:30-12:10 | 296-911-643 |
GIB1 | FYP | 11 | Green Office Energy Monitoring Network | muppala | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 14:50-15:30 | 191-986-711 |
GIB2 | FYP | 11 | Low Cost Book Tracking System | muppala | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 15:40-16:20 | 191-986-711 |
GIB3 | FYP | 11 | Wing Mirror Assistant | muppala | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 16:30-17:10 | 191-986-711 |
GIB4 | Co-op | 1 | [Co-op Program] Fintech in Banking Systems - SMART Operations | jamesk | - | ||
GIB5 | Co-op | 11 | [Co-op Program] Traffic Control Surveillance System (TCSS) | taow | - | ||
GO1 | FYP | 0 | 2D Computer Game | dekai | 2020-08-27 (Thu) | 14:00-14:40 | 947-0688-0134 |
HO1 | FYP | 13 | Music Rhythm Game - Audio Vibe | arya | 2020-05-11 (Mon) | 17:00-17:40 | 476-100-253 |
HO2 | FYP | 13 | Music Rhythm Game | dekai | 2020-05-19 (Tue) | 16:00-16:40 | 938-884-134 |
HO3 | FYP | 13 | Music Rhythm Game | dekai | 2020-05-19 (Tue) | 16:50-17:30 | 938-884-134 |
HUA1 | FYT | 9 | Visual Analytics for Explainable Artificial Intelligence on Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis | mxj | 2020-05-15 (Fri) | 10:00-10:40 | 141-521-296 |
HUA2 | FYT | 4 | Visual Analytics of Big Data | mxj | 2020-05-15 (Fri) | 10:50-11:30 | 141-521-296 |
HUA3 | FYP | 4 | EmotionCues: Analysis of Human Emotions in Classroom Videos | dekai | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 19:00-19:40 | 938-884-134 |
JA1 | FYP | 9 | Find me a travel itinerary | hunkim | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 14:00-14:40 | 235-627-708 |
KAI1 | FYP | 6 | Transport Design for Data Center Networks | muppala | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 10:40-11:20 | 191-986-711 |
KAI2 | FYP | 6 | Transport Design for DCNs | muppala | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 11:30-12:10 | 191-986-711 |
KWT1 | FYP | 14 | Smart Scheduler Based On Collaborative Filtering | charlesz | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 10:40-11:20 | 296-911-643 |
KWT2 | FYP | 8 | Petriversity - Gamification in Education | shuaiw | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 11:30-12:10 | 970-196-300 |
KWT3 | FYP | 8 | Interactive Wireless VR Game with Gesture and Voice Recognition | arya | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 12:20-13:00 | 476-100-253 |
KWT4 | FYP | 13 | Indoor Localization and Navigation | dekai | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 13:10-13:50 | 938-884-134 |
LIX1 | FYP | 14 | USmarTpark: Smart Parking Lot with Real-time Space Monitoring | charlesz | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 09:00-09:40 | 296-911-643 |
LIX2 | FYP | 14 | Smart Parking Lot with Real-time Space Monitoring | charlesz | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 09:50-10:30 | 296-911-643 |
LZ1 | FYP | 9 | Liveness Detection in Facial Recognition of Security Gateway | hunkim | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 14:00-14:40 | 235-627-708 |
LZ2 | FYP | 9 | Smart Traffic Signals Using A Deep Learning Based Computer Vision | hunkim | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 14:50-15:30 | 235-627-708 |
LZ3 | FYP | 9 | Horse Racing Result Analysis System Using Machine Learning | hunkim | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 15:40-16:20 | 235-627-708 |
MA1 | FYP | 10 | How Good Is Your English Pronunciation? A Computer-aided Pronunciation Training System Using Deep Neural Networks | dekai | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 15:40-16:20 | 938-884-134 |
MA2 | FYP | 10 | CSE Chatbot | dekai | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 16:30-17:10 | 938-884-134 |
MA3 | FYP | 10 | An Android App for Cantonese Lipreading Using the LipNet Technology | dekai | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 17:20-18:00 | 938-884-134 |
MU1 | FYP | 1 | Cross-platform Mobile Application to Improve Customer Service Efficiency | dipapado | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 12:20-13:00 | 809-013-538 |
MXJ1 | FYP | 13 | Meaningful Metaphor Mining: Identification and Explanation | dekai | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 14:00-14:40 | 938-884-134 |
MXJ2 | FYT | 13 | Positive Response Recommendation in Social Media Based on Human Need Analysis | raywong | 2020-05-04 (Mon) | 17:00-17:40 | 174-667-391 |
MXJ3 | FYT | 0 | Pose Guided Hand-drawn Character Animation | psander | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 16:00-16:40 | 163-928-105 |
NGOK1 | FYP | 14 | A HKUST Restaurant Recommendation System | charlesz | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 09:00-09:40 | 296-911-643 |
NGOK2 | FYP | 14 | Smart Personal Helper for HKUST Students | charlesz | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 09:50-10:30 | 296-911-643 |
NGOK3 | FYP | 14 | An Automated English Vocabulary Learning Mobile Application | charlesz | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 12:20-13:00 | 296-911-643 |
PAN1 | FYP | 8 | Age of Robot Warlords: an Augmented Reality Mobile Strategy Game for Multiple Players | wilfred | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 12:20-13:00 | 193-209-356 |
PSAN1 | FYP | 8 | Lobster Game Engine: An ECS-driven Generic Game Development Tool | achung | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 11:30-12:10 | 124-161-864 |
QIAN1 | FYP | 0 | TraBud: Travel Budget Planner and Travel Expense Tracking App | wilfred | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 14:50-15:30 | 193-209-356 |
QUAN1 | FYP | 4 | DepthFusion - A Study and Implementation of Lightweight Real-time 3D Reconstruction Algorithms Using Time-of-flight Depth Maps | dipapado | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 09:50-10:30 | 809-013-538 |
QUAN2 | FYP | 0 | Avatar Face Reconstruction via RGB-D | dipapado | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 10:40-11:20 | 809-013-538 |
RAYW1 | FYP | 3 | UST Path Advisor System 2.0: Image-based Localization Using a CNN | shuaiw | 2020-05-20 (Wed) | 15:00-15:40 | 970-196-300 |
RAYW2 | FYT | 3 | When Do GNNs Work: Understanding and Improving Neighborhood Aggregation | wilfred | 2020-05-05 (Tue) | 15:00-16:00 | 996-9531-5890 |
RAYW3 | FYP | 3 | HKUST Path Advisor 2.0 | shuaiw | 2020-05-20 (Wed) | 15:50-16:30 | 970-196-300 |
RIC1 | FYP | 15 | HUNT - Automatic Search Bar Finder and Search Time Saver for Hong Kong | charlesz | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 10:40-11:20 | 296-911-643 |
RIC2 | FYP | 15 | Security Compliance Checker Tools for Cloud Environments v2 (Security and Cloud Project) | charlesz | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 11:30-12:10 | 296-911-643 |
RICWTAO1 | FYP | 9 | Machine Learning to Detect and Identify Web Application Attacks from Big Web Server Log Data (Security and AI Project) | hunkim | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 12:20-13:00 | 235-627-708 |
RO1 | FYP | 0 | Analysis and Prediction App System For Stock Prices | taow | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 17:20-18:00 | 596-061-160 |
RO2 | FYP | 1 | Intelligent Financial Trading Platform - Customizable Machine Learning Predictions and Automated Trading Strategies using IFTTT Methodology | taow | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 18:10-18:50 | 596-061-160 |
RO3 | FYP | 1 | New Trading Strategies Inspired from Harmonic and Elliot Wave Trading Strategies | taow | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 19:00-19:40 | 596-061-160 |
SC1 | FYT | 9 | Vulnerability Analysis of Deep Neural Networks | dyyeung | 2020-05-15 (Fri) | 14:00-14:40 | 113-843-145 |
SC2 | FYT | 1 | Research on the Deep Testing of DNN Systems | yqsong | - | ||
SCH1 | FYT | 7 | Restricted Max-Min Allocation | arya | 2020-05-29 (Fri) | 10:00-10:40 | 983-9794-3304 |
SYQ1 | FYP | 9 | Extracting Relationships among Entities from Newspaper Articles | hunkim | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 12:20-13:00 | 235-627-708 |
SYQ2 | FYT | 9 | Political Ideology Analysis of Hong Kong Media | flin | 2020-05-14 (Thu) | 11:50-12:30 | 592-856-162 |
SYQ3 | FYP | 9 | Extracting relationships among entities from newspaper articles | wilfred | 2020-08-05 (Wed) | 14:00-14:40 | 996-7724-5628 |
TA1 | FYP | 4 | Wonder Painter: A General-purpose 3D Animation Platform | golin | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 15:40-16:20 | 630-725-282 |
TA2 | FYP | 8 | 3D Action RPG with a Procedurally-generated Game World | shuaiw | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 14:00-14:40 | 970-196-300 |
TM1 | FYP | 4 | Automated Vision-based Wellness Analysis of Elderly Care Center Citizens | golin | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 12:20-13:00 | 630-725-282 |
TM2 | FYP | 4 | Food Waste Analytics | golin | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 14:00-14:40 | 630-725-282 |
TM3 | FYP | 4 | Food Waste Analytics | wilfred | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 16:30-17:10 | 193-209-356 |
TM4 | FYP | 4 | Food Waste Analytics | wilfred | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 17:20-18:00 | 193-209-356 |
TM5 | FYP | 4 | Food Waste Analytics | golin | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 14:50-15:30 | 630-725-282 |
WEI1 | FYP | 3 | Big Data Analytics for Settling in Hong Kong | shuaiw | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 16:30-17:10 | 970-196-300 |
WEI2 | FYP | 3 | Big Data Analytics for Prediction of Crimes | shuaiw | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 17:20-18:00 | 970-196-300 |
WIL1 | FYP | 3 | A Blockchain Database Application for Connecting Domestic Helpers and Hong Kong Employers | shuaiw | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 13:10-13:50 | 970-196-300 |
YIKE1 | FYP | 8 | Third Person View 3D Action Game | shuaiw | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 09:00-09:40 | 970-196-300 |
YIKE2 | FYP | 8 | First-Person Computer Shooter Game with Eye Tracking and Unity | shuaiw | 2020-05-16 (Sat) | 09:50-10:30 | 970-196-300 |
YIKE3 | FYT | 7 | Counting Labeled Graphlets by Random Sampling | cding | 2020-05-09 (Sat) | 15:20-16:00 | 932-0085-1035 |
Legend of Category
Category | Category Name | No. of Project(s) |
0 | N/A | 5 |
1 | Software Technology | 9 |
2 | Mobile and Wireless Computing | 1 |
3 | Database | 6 |
4 | Vision and Graphics | 21 |
5 | Mobile Gaming | 1 |
6 | Networking | 4 |
7 | Theory | 3 |
8 | Computer Games | 8 |
9 | Artificial Intelligence | 18 |
10 | Human Language Technology | 3 |
11 | Embedded Systems and Software | 5 |
13 | Miscellaneous | 13 |
14 | Mobile Applications | 7 |
15 | Computer Security | 4 |
Total: | 108 |