FYP/FYT Grading Scheme (2018-2019)


A faculty member from the CSE department is assigned to each FYP as a reader. For FYT's, each advisor will invite a faculty member usually from the CSE department to be the reader. For projects that have a software development component, we expect to see the use of software engineering techniques in the project. For the CPEG students who have not taken COMP 3111, they are encouraged to visit the project example page of COMP 3111 to get some basic ideas.

The CSE department wishes all students to write good academic reports. Thus, ALL FYP/FYT students are required to meet with our Communication Tutors to check their reports twice before the submission of the final report. Check the Instruction for Reports as well as the Communication Tutors' website for more details.

Grades are given to individual students based on their own contributions to their projects. Each FYP/FYT student needs to submit an individual Self-Assessment Report (download Self-Assessment Report Template) of his/her contributions via the FYP Management System upon the submission of final reports. Members of a group project may receive different grades.

Demonstrations of the final results are required for every project that has a software component.

Grading Specifics

There are three aspects to the FYP/FYT grading.

  1. [COMP 4981/COMP 4981H/CPEG 4901/CPEG 4902]

    All students are given an official grade of PP at the end of the Summer and Fall Terms respectively. The five components of the final letter grade have the following weighting from the advisor's perspective:

    • Project proposal report - 5%
    • Individual essay - 5% (graded by communication tutors)
    • Project progress report - 20%
    • Final project report - 35%
    • Oral presentation/thesis defense - 30%
    • Monthly reports - 5%

    Letter grade with A to F will be given. The advisor may give different letter grades in each of the five components to students within the same group.

    The reader will focus on the product of the project. A different set of weights are used based on the reader's perspective:

    • Project proposal report - 5%
    • Project progress report - 15%
    • Final project report - 35%
    • Oral presentation/thesis defense - 40%
    • Poster session - 5%

    The reader gives one letter grade for each of the five components for each project.

  2. [Grade Determination]
    • Advisors and readers grade the five components independently.
    • Advisors grade the five components for each of the students in group projects. Thus, it is possible that members of the group receive different letter grades for each component.
    • Readers grade the five components for the project only. Thus, all members receive the same letter grade for each component.
    • The final letter grade for each student is computed by combining the letter grades given by the advisor and the reader using a advisor-reader weighting of 60:40.
    • Readers may interact with advisors during the year to gain more insights on the projects.
  3. [The components]
    • For FYP:
      • The grading scheme for the proposal report is (both advisors & readers):
        • Project objective formulation, methodology to be followed, background - 60%
        • Clarity and presentation of the report (organization, use of English) - 30%
        • Planning of future work - 10%
      • The grading scheme for the individual essay is (advisors/communication tutors only):
        • Clarity - 30%
        • Content - 30%
        • Relevance - 40%
      • The grading scheme for the progress report is (both advisors & readers):
        • Work completed - 60%
        • Clarity and presentation of the report (organization, use of English) - 30%
        • Use of software engineering techniques (concepts of initial system development, system requirement specification, system analysis specification & user interface specification are included here) - 10%
      • The grading scheme for the final report is (both advisors & readers):
        • Results obtained - 60%
        • Clarity and presentation of the report (organization, use of English) - 30%
        • Use of software engineering techniques (concepts of system design specification and implementation are included here) - 10%
      • The grading scheme for the oral presentation is (both advisors & readers):
        • Project demonstration - 40%
        • Delivery: Oral delivery, contact with audience, slides, timing - 40%
        • Quality of answers - 20%
      • The grading scheme for the monthly reports is (advisors only):
        • Each monthly report - 33.33%
      • The grading scheme for the poster session is (readers only):
        • Clarity and presentation of the poster - 50%
        • Information conveyed - 50%
    • For FYT:
      • The grading scheme for the proposal report is (both advisors & readers):
        • Thesis objective formulation, methodology to be followed, background - 60%
        • Clarity and presentation of the report (organization, use of English) - 30%
        • Planning of future work - 10%
      • The grading scheme for the individual essay is (advisors/communication tutors only):
        • Clarity - 30%
        • Content - 30%
        • Relevance - 40%
      • The grading scheme for the progress report is (both advisors & readers):
        • Work completed - 60%
        • Clarity and presentation of the report (organization, use of English) - 30%
        • Use of research approaches related to computer science and engineering discipline (literature review, system/algorithm design, mathematical analysis, modeling, simulation, system prototyping are included here) - 10%
      • The grading scheme for the final report is (both advisors & readers):
        • Results obtained - 60%
        • Clarity and presentation of the report (organization, use of English) - 30%
        • Use of research approaches related to computer science and engineering discipline (optimization, analysis, simulation, result verification are included here) - 10%
      • The grading scheme for the thesis defense is (both advisors & readers):
        • Result presentation - 40%
        • Delivery: Oral delivery, contact with audience, slides, timing - 40%
        • Quality of answers - 20%
      • The grading scheme for the monthly reports is (advisors only):
        • Each monthly report - 33.33%
      • The grading scheme for the poster session is (readers only):
        • Clarity and presentation of the poster - 50%
        • Information conveyed - 50%

Our grading rubrics.