Selected PhD Graduates
Grad Year
Career Field
Yiding WANG
Noah's Ark Lab
Huawei Technologies
Shatin, Hong Kong
PhD 2023
Supervised by Kai CHEN
Yue WU
Noah's Ark Lab
Huawei Technologies
Shatin, Hong Kong
PhD 2023
Supervised by Qifeng CHEN
Huawei Technologies
Hong Kong
PhD 2022
Supervised by Dimitris PAPADOPOULOS
Chenyang LEI
Assistant Professor
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Science Park, Hong Kong
PhD 2022
Supervised by Qifeng CHEN
Huiru XIAO
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong
PhD 2022
Supervised by Yangqiu SONG
Junxue ZHANG
Research Assistant Professor
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong
PhD 2022
Supervised by Kai CHEN
Wenyi XIAO
Hong Kong
PhD 2021
Supervised by Yangqiu SONG
Chengliang ZHANG
Data Scientist
Seleya Technologies
Hong Kong
PhD 2021
Supervised by Wei WANG
Huangxun CHEN
Huawei Technologies
Hong Kong
PhD 2020
Supervised by Qian ZHANG
Lik-Hang LEE
Assistant Professor
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Hong Kong
PhD 2019
Supervised by Pan HUI
Victor Junqiu WEI
Research Assistant Professor
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong
PhD 2018
Supervised by Raymond Chi-Wing WONG
Assistant Professor
City University of Hong Kong
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
PhD 2015
Supervised by Pedro SANDER
Jason Min WANG
Senior Researcher and Senior Research Manager
Machine Intelligence Center
Hong Kong
PhD 2015
Supervised by Brahim BENSAOU
Associate Director
Hong Kong
PhD 2014
Supervised by Fangzhen LIN
Eric Zhiqiang MA
Lead Engineer
Hong Kong
PhD 2014
Supervised by Dr. Lin GU
Dong (Don) LIN
Senior Researcher
Huawei Technologies
Hong Kong
PhD 2012
Supervised by Mounir HAMDI
Mingxuan YUAN
Principal Researcher
Noah's Ark Lab
Huawei Technologies
Shatin, Hong Kong
PhD 2012
Supervised by Lei CHEN
Simon Siu-Hang LUI
Chief Expert of Audio
Hong Kong
PhD 2011
Supervised by Andrew HORNER
Zhifeng LAI
Associate Director
AIA International Limited
Hong Kong
PhD 2010
Supervised by Shing-Chi CHEUNG
Kenneth Wai-Ting LEUNG
Assistant Professor of Engineering Education
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong
PhD 2010
Supervised by Dik-Lun LEE and Wilfred Siu-Hung NG
Sinno Jialin PAN
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, Hong Kong
PhD 2010
Supervised by Qiang YANG
Ming Yuen CHAN
System Manager
Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau
Cyberport, Hong Kong
PhD 2009
Supervised by Huamin QU
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong
PhD 2009
Supervised by Yunhao LIU
James Sheung-Chak CHENG
Associate Professor
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, Hong Kong
PhD 2008
Supervised by Wilfred Siu-Hung NG
CITIC Futures International
Hong Kong
PhD 2008
Supervised by Mounir HAMDI
Nelson CHU
Hong Kong
PhD 2007
Supervised by Chiew-Lan TAI
Hongbo FU
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong
PhD 2007
Supervised by Chiew-Lan TAI
Ping TAN
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong
PhD 2007
Supervised by Long QUAN
Haibo HU
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Hong Kong
PhD 2005
Supervised by Dik-Lun LEE
Xin LI
Senior Lecturer
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong
PhD 2005
Supervised by Mounir HAMDI
Astella Technologies Limited
Hong Kong
PhD 2005
Supervised by Bo LI
Jiaya JIA
Chair Professor and IEEE Fellow
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong
PhD 2004
Supervised by Chi-Keung TANG
Jean Jiying WANG
Associate Professor of Business Education
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong
PhD 2004
Supervised by Frederick LOCHOVSKY
Yufei TAO
Professor and ACM Fellow
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, Hong Kong
PhD 2002
Supervised by Dimitris PAPADIAS
Jianliang XU
Hong Kong Baptist University
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
PhD 2002
Supervised by Dik-Lun LEE
William Kwok-Wai CHEUNG
Hong Kong Baptist University
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
PhD 1999
Supervised by Dit-Yan YEUNG
Ricky Yu-Kwong KWOK
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam, Hong Kong
PhD 1997
Supervised by Ishfaq AHMAD
James Tin-Yau KWOK
Professor and IEEE Fellow
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong
PhD 1996
Supervised by Dit-Yan YEUNG
- Yiding WANG, PhD 2023, supervised by Kai CHEN
- Yue WU, PhD 2023, supervised by Qifeng CHEN
- Javad GHAREH CHAMANI, PhD 2022, supervised by Dimitris PAPADOPOULOS
- Chenyang LEI, PhD 2022, supervised by Qifeng CHEN
- Huiru XIAO, PhD 2022, supervised by Yangqiu SONG
- Junxue ZHANG, PhD 2022, supervised by Kai CHEN
- Wenyi XIAO, PhD 2021, supervised by Yangqiu SONG
- Chengliang ZHANG, PhD 2021, supervised by Wei WANG
- Huangxun CHEN, PhD 2020, supervised by Qian ZHANG
- Lik-Hang LEE, PhD 2019, supervised by Pan HUI
- Victor Junqiu WEI, PhD 2018, supervised by Raymond Chi-Wing WONG
- Jing LIAO, PhD 2015, supervised by Pedro SANDER
- Jason Min WANG, PhD 2015, supervised by Brahim BENSAOU
- Ning DING, PhD 2014, supervised by Fangzhen LIN
- Eric Zhiqiang MA, PhD 2014, supervised by Dr. Lin GU
- Dong (Don) LIN, PhD 2012, supervised by Mounir HAMDI
- Mingxuan YUAN, PhD 2012, supervised by Lei CHEN
- Simon Siu-Hang LUI, PhD 2011, supervised by Andrew HORNER
- Zhifeng LAI, PhD 2010, supervised by Shing-Chi CHEUNG
- Kenneth Wai-Ting LEUNG, PhD 2010, supervised by Dik-Lun LEE and Wilfred Siu-Hung NG
- Sinno Jialin PAN, PhD 2010, supervised by Qiang YANG
- Ming Yuen CHAN, PhD 2009, supervised by Huamin QU
- Mo LI, PhD 2009, supervised by Yunhao LIU
- James Sheung-Chak CHENG, PhD 2008, supervised by Wilfred Siu-Hung NG
- Feng WANG, PhD 2008, supervised by Mounir HAMDI
- Nelson CHU, PhD 2007, supervised by Chiew-Lan TAI
- Hongbo FU, PhD 2007, supervised by Chiew-Lan TAI
- Ping TAN, PhD 2007, supervised by Long QUAN
- Haibo HU, PhD 2005, supervised by Dik-Lun LEE
- Xin LI, PhD 2005, supervised by Mounir HAMDI
- Jihui ZHANG, PhD 2005, supervised by Bo LI
- Jiaya JIA, PhD 2004, supervised by Chi-Keung TANG
- Jean Jiying WANG, PhD 2004, supervised by Frederick LOCHOVSKY
- Yufei TAO, PhD 2002, supervised by Dimitris PAPADIAS
- Jianliang XU, PhD 2002, supervised by Dik-Lun LEE
- William Kwok-Wai CHEUNG, PhD 1999, supervised by Dit-Yan YEUNG
- Ricky Yu-Kwong KWOK, PhD 1997, supervised by Ishfaq AHMAD
- James Tin-Yau KWOK, PhD 1996, supervised by Dit-Yan YEUNG