FYP/FYT Oral Presentation Schedule (2017-2018)

Check the FYP presentation schedule (PDF format). See also the FYT Oral Defenses.

Project List (2017-2018)

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ProjectOral Presentation
Code GroupTypeCat.Title2nd ReaderDate Time (HKT) Venue
ACH1 COMP FYT 4 Deep Learning for Image Analysis cktang 2018-04-24 (Tue) 16:10-16:50 1505
AR1 COMP FYP 8 First-person Educational Computer Game golin 2018-04-21 (Sat) 16:30-17:10 2128A
AR2 CPEG FYP 8 3D FPS Computer Game using Unity golin 2018-04-21 (Sat) 17:20-18:00 2128A
AR3 COMP FYP 8 Heroborne golin 2018-04-21 (Sat) 18:10-18:50 2128A
BL1 COMP FYT 12 Memory and File Management Approach for Computers Using Non-volatile Large Volume Memory weiwa 2018-04-26 (Thu) 16:00-17:00 5506
CD1 CPEG FYP 1 An Online Barcode Generator golin 2018-04-21 (Sat) 13:10-13:50 2128A
CD2 CPEG FYP 1 Online Barcode Generator golin 2018-04-21 (Sat) 14:00-14:40 2128A
CD3 COMP FYP 1 Online Barcode Generator golin 2018-04-21 (Sat) 14:50-15:30 2128A
CK2 COMP FYP 4 Image-Sentence Translation with Cycle-consistent Generative Adversarial Network tcpong 2018-04-21 (Sat) 09:00-09:40 2127B
CK3 COMP FYP 4 Deep Video Generation, Prediction and Completion of Human Action Sequences tcpong 2018-04-21 (Sat) 09:50-10:30 2127B
CK4 COMP FYT 4 Adversarial Attacks Beyond the Image Space dyyeung 2018-04-24 (Tue) 14:30-15:10 1505
CK5 COMP FYP 4 Video Object Tracking with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks tcpong 2018-04-21 (Sat) 10:40-11:20 2127B
CK6 COMP FYT 4 Detection-Driven Reinforcement Learning to Act in Visual 3D Environment achung 2018-04-24 (Tue) 15:20-16:00 1505
CSB1 COMP FYP 11 Home Safety Monitoring with Raspberry PI dekai 2018-04-28 (Sat) 10:40-11:20 2128B
CSB2 CPEG FYT 6 Centralized Controller in Wireless Local Area Networks lixin 2018-05-08 (Tue) 13:00-13:40 LTH
CSB3 COMP FYP 14 My Personal BookShelf for iOS Devices dekai 2018-04-28 (Sat) 11:30-12:10 2128B
DES1 COMP FYP 8 VR Game Development using Unity and Leap Motion lzhang 2018-04-21 (Sat) 15:40-16:20 2127B
DES2 CPEG FYP 8 VR Game Development using Unity and Leap Motion - STAR RANCHER lzhang 2018-04-21 (Sat) 17:20-18:00 2127B
DES3 CPEG FYP 14 A Mobile App using AR and Location-based Technologies for Promoting Self-motivated Learning lzhang 2018-04-21 (Sat) 18:10-18:50 2127B
DES4 COMP FYP 4 VR Education Software for Kindergarten / Primary School Students lzhang 2018-04-21 (Sat) 19:00-19:40 2127B
DES5 CPEG FYP 14 Autonomous Domestic Water Purification System with Mobile Application kaichen 2018-04-21 (Sat) 14:00-14:40 2127A
DESNGOK1 COMP FYP 8 VR Game Development using Unity and Leap Motion / Kinect lzhang 2018-06-08 (Fri) 14:00-14:40 5508
DI1 COMP FYT 3 Uniform Metric Labeling for Large Graphs yike 2018-04-25 (Wed) 15:00-15:45 2304
DL1 COMP FYP 1 Bitcoin Price Prediction with Deep Learning and Social Trend kccecia 2018-04-28 (Sat) 13:10-13:50 2127A
DL2 CPEG FYP 1 Predicting trends of Interests in Twitter kccecia 2018-04-28 (Sat) 14:00-14:40 2127A
DL3 COMP FYP 1 Predicting Trends of Interests in Twitter kccecia 2018-04-28 (Sat) 14:50-15:30 2127A
DL4 COMP FYP 1 A System for Predicting Stock Price kccecia 2018-04-28 (Sat) 15:40-16:20 2127A
DL5 CPEG FYP 1 A System for Recommending Reading Materials kccecia 2018-04-28 (Sat) 16:30-17:10 2127A
DL6 CPEG FYT 1 Artificial Intelligence in Systematic Trading kwtleung 2018-04-25 (Wed) 18:00-19:00 1505
FL1 CPEG FYP 9 University Life Based Mini-game Planner - Course Shooter-EX lzhang 2018-04-21 (Sat) 14:00-14:40 2127B
GCH1 COMP FYT 2 Developing a Fast-Deployable Indoor Localization System jamesk 2018-04-25 (Wed) 17:00-18:00 2304
GCH2 COMP FYP 9 People Sensing Technology for Personalized Shopping Experience achung 2018-04-28 (Sat) 14:00-14:40 2128B
GIB1 COMP FYP 1 Online Audio Recorder Using HTML5 weiwa 2018-04-21 (Sat) 09:00-09:40 2128B
GIB2 CPEG FYP 8 A 3D Web Game - Escaping from HKUST weiwa 2018-04-21 (Sat) 09:50-10:30 2128B
GIB3 CPEG FYP 11 A Smart Home System weiwa 2018-04-21 (Sat) 10:40-11:20 2128B
HO1 CPEG FYP 8 HKUST Adventure Music Game yqsong 2018-04-24 (Tue) 15:00-15:40 2304
HO2 COMP FYP 8 Impressive, Surprising and Incredible Rhythm Game kccecia 2018-04-23 (Mon) 15:00-15:40 1505
HO3 COMP FYP 8 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them at UST Adventure Game achung 2018-04-24 (Tue) 17:00-17:40 1505
HO4 COMP FYP 8 Inception Dreams and Manipulation Emotion-Sensing Game weiwa 2018-04-26 (Thu) 14:00-14:40 5506
HUA1 COMP FYP 4 Pulse of HKUST: System for Visualizing Crowd Behavior in HKUST Campus taow 2018-04-28 (Sat) 13:10-13:50 2127C
HUA2 CPEG FYP 4 Pulse of HKUST: Crowd Level Visualization using Wi-Fi Access Point Statistics taow 2018-04-28 (Sat) 14:00-14:40 2127C
HUA3 COMP FYP 4 Pulse of HKUST taow 2018-04-28 (Sat) 14:50-15:30 2127C
HUA4 COMP FYT 4 Visual Analytics of Big Data mxj -
HUADL1 COMP FYP 13 BitExTract: Interactive Visualization for Extracting Bitcoin Exchange Intelligence dekai 2018-04-28 (Sat) 09:00-09:40 2128B
HUADL2 CPEG FYP 13 Visual Analytics of Financial News Data dekai 2018-04-28 (Sat) 09:50-10:30 2128B
JA1 COMP FYT 9 Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing yqsong 2018-04-24 (Tue) 16:00-17:00 2304
JA2 COMP FYT 9 Deep Learning for Anti-Money Laundering gchan 2018-04-25 (Wed) 18:00-19:00 2304
KWT1 COMP FYP 4 Developing a Virtual Reality Search Interface for Web Search kaichen 2018-04-21 (Sat) 09:00-09:40 2127A
KWT2 CPEG FYP 4 Trespassers: A Haunted House VR Game App with Multi-Dimensional Interaction for Android Smartphones with Google Cardboard kaichen 2018-04-21 (Sat) 10:40-11:20 2127A
KWT3 COMP FYP 14 AR Android App for Food-ordering at Both Asian and Western-style Restaurants kaichen 2018-04-21 (Sat) 09:50-10:30 2127A
KWT4 COMP FYP 4 VR Educational Q&A Action Game kaichen 2018-04-21 (Sat) 11:30-12:10 2127A
KWT5 CPEG FYP 8 Developing a Social Gaming Platform to Gamify Teaching Materials kaichen 2018-04-21 (Sat) 12:20-13:00 2127A
LIX1 COMP FYP 14 Mobile App for Buying/Selling Organic Foods bli 2018-04-21 (Sat) 13:10-13:50 2128B
LIX2 COMP FYP 13 An Android Multi-player AR Fighting Game bli 2018-04-21 (Sat) 14:00-14:40 2128B
LIX3 COMP FYP 14 Taxi Ride Sharing Mobile Application bli 2018-04-21 (Sat) 14:50-15:30 2128B
LIX4 CPEG FYP 14 The White House Organic Food bli 2018-04-21 (Sat) 15:40-16:20 2128B
LIX5 COMP FYP 14 HKUST Ride-sharing Android App - UShare bli 2018-04-21 (Sat) 16:30-17:10 2128B
LUO1 COMP FYT 1 Parallel LZMA Compression on the GPU weiwa 2018-04-27 (Fri) 11:00-11:40 1505
MA1 COMP FYP 9 A Medicine Reminder and Information App qianzh 2018-04-28 (Sat) 09:00-09:40 2127B
MA2 COMP FYP 8 First-person VR Monopoly Game with Kinect qianzh 2018-04-28 (Sat) 09:50-10:30 2127B
MA3 CPEG FYP 9 Project Zamplify - A Sound Recognition System for Context Awareness qianzh 2018-04-28 (Sat) 10:40-11:20 2127B
MU1 CPEG FYP 14 HKUST CSO Room Booking System achung 2018-04-28 (Sat) 10:40-11:20 2128B
MU2 CPEG FYP 14 Hybrid Mobile App for Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease achung 2018-04-28 (Sat) 11:30-12:10 2128B
MU3 CPEG FYP 14 Mobile Games for Helping Kids with ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder) achung 2018-04-28 (Sat) 12:20-13:00 2128B
MU4 COMP FYP 14 Android/iOS App for Real-time GPS Tracking of HKUST Staff Buses achung 2018-04-28 (Sat) 13:10-13:50 2128B
MXJ1 COMP FYP 8 Gesture Control-based Game qianzh 2018-04-28 (Sat) 13:10-13:50 2127B
MXJ2 CPEG FYP 8 Gesture Control-based 3D Card Game qianzh 2018-04-28 (Sat) 14:00-14:40 2127B
MXJ3 CPEG FYP 8 Time-Travellers: A Gesture-controlled Game qianzh 2018-04-28 (Sat) 14:50-15:30 2127B
MXJ4 COMP FYP 14 Smart Home with Gesture Control kaichen 2018-04-28 (Sat) 09:00-09:40 2127A
MXJ5 COMP FYP 14 A Smart Home Android App with Welle Gesture Control kaichen 2018-04-28 (Sat) 09:50-10:30 2127A
PAN1 COMP FYT 2 eMotion: Emotion Sensing with Wearable Devices jamesk 2018-04-23 (Mon) 18:00-18:40 2127B
PAN2 COMP FYP 2 Leveraging Smart Contracts on Blockchains and Internet of Things to Create a Decentralised Sharing Economy Application weiwa 2018-04-21 (Sat) 12:20-13:00 2128B
PSAN1 COMP FYP 2 Early Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) via a Smart Phone App for an NGO Partner in Indonesia kaichen 2018-04-21 (Sat) 14:50-15:30 2127A
QUAN1 CPEG FYP 4 Capturing the Reality with Phones! tcpong 2018-04-21 (Sat) 11:30-12:10 2127B
QUAN2 COMP FYT 0 Online Large-scale Visual Data Retrieval and Application taicl 2018-04-24 (Tue) 13:00-13:40 1505
QYA1 COMP FYP 9 Re-implementing AlphaGo weiwa 2018-04-21 (Sat) 11:30-12:10 2128B
RAYW1 COMP FYP 3 Analyzing/Mining Student Performance in e-Learning Platform taow 2018-04-28 (Sat) 09:00-09:40 2127C
RAYW2 COMP FYP 3 UST Path Advisor Enhancement: Localization via OCR and Image Recognition taow 2018-04-28 (Sat) 09:50-10:30 2127C
RAYW3 COMP FYP 3 UST Path Advisor Enhancement: Positioning Yourself with Photo taow 2018-04-28 (Sat) 10:40-11:20 2127C
RO1 COMP FYP 5 Hong Kong Days yqsong 2018-04-21 (Sat) 10:40-11:20 2127C
RO2 COMP FYP 0 Pet Adoption Management System yqsong 2018-04-21 (Sat) 09:50-10:30 2127C
RO3 CPEG FYP 0 Investment Management and Prediction System Using Past Data and Sentiment Analysis yqsong 2018-04-21 (Sat) 09:00-09:40 2127C
RO4 COMP FYP 9 Optimal Investment Strategy Using Scalable Machine Learning and Data Analytics for Small-cap Stocks yqsong 2018-04-21 (Sat) 12:20-13:00 2127C
RO5 COMP FYP 0 Web Application for Real-time Forex Rate and Stock Price Prediction yqsong 2018-04-21 (Sat) 13:10-13:50 2127C
TA1 COMP FYP 14 Q - HKUST Time Saver App dekai 2018-04-28 (Sat) 12:20-13:00 2128B
WIL1 COMP FYP 3 Children Go - A fitness website for children kaichen 2018-04-21 (Sat) 15:40-16:20 2127A
YIKE1 COMP FYT 3 Optimization of Spark for divide and conquer algorithms weiwa 2018-04-25 (Wed) 11:00-11:40 2304

Legend of Category

Category Category Name No. of Project(s)
0 N/A 4
1 Software Technology 11
2 Mobile and Wireless Computing 4
3 Database 6
4 Vision and Graphics 15
5 Mobile Gaming 1
6 Networking 1
8 Computer Games 16
9 Artificial Intelligence 8
11 Embedded Systems and Software 2
12 Operating Systems 1
13 Miscellaneous 3
14 Mobile Applications 15
Total: 87