FYP Monthly Reports

Each FYP/FYT group is required to submit three monthly reports - one by the end of October, one by the end of November and one by January 15th. These are required as a means for FYP advisors to track the progress of your work.


  1. Download the Blank Monthly Report Form.
  2. Hold at least one formal meeting during the middle of October, November, December/January. (Your advisor doesn't need to be present, and feel free to use Skype or Google Hangouts if you want.)
  3. After the meeting, take normal meeting minutes for Appendix A of your next FYP report.
  4. Fill in the details of the report form, based on your recent meeting minutes, keeping the content to one A4 page, save it as a new document and print it. (If you want, you can alternatively save and print it first and then fill in the details with a pen.)
  5. Sign it.
  6. Give it to your FYP advisor, and get him or her to sign it.
  7. Scan it to PDF format.
  8. Upload the scanned file to the FYP Management System.

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