FYP Report Structure

Every FYP or FYT is unique. The goal may be to solve a problem, improve an old system, combine two or more concepts, create a game, experiment with various algorithms, etc. The type of FYP or FYT you choose will affect your reports' content, but in most cases it will not affect the report structure. Below is a recommended report section outline for each of the three FYP/FYT reports.

Report Section Outline

  1. Introduction
    1. 1.1 Overview
      (Why you want(ed) to do this project)
    2. 1.2 Objectives
      (What things you want(ed) to accomplish in general)
    3. 1.3 Literature Survey
      (What work others have already been done related to your project)
  2. Methodology
    1. 2.1 Design
      (What you want(ed) to accomplish specifically and conceptually to meet each of your objectives)
    2. 2.2 Implementation
      (How each item of your design will be or is being or was carried out; tools and methods to use or used)
    3. 2.3 Testing
      (How you will test, are testing or have tested each item of your implementation)
    4. 2.4 Evaluation
      (How you will determine or have determined if you have accomplished each of your objectives)
  3. Project Planning
    (Who leads and who assists on each task plus a GANTT chart
  4. Required Hardware & Software
    (What hardware are software are required for development and usage of your system or work)
  5. References
    (How can readers find your information sources)
  6. Appendix A: Meeting Minutes
    (What you talked about during each meeting and what plans you made; best typed up immediately after each meeting)
  7. Appendix B: [Brief Description]
    (Supplementary information you may want your readers to see that is too detailed for the Methodology section)
  8. Appendix C: [Brief Description]
    (More supplementary information may want your readers to see that is too detailed for the Methodology section)

Report Commonalities

  • All three reports follow the same structure.
    • The Proposal tells what you plan to do.
    • The Progress Report is merely an updated version of the Proposal.
    • The Final Report is the third and final version.
    • You do not need to delete any information from your Progress Report or Final Report unless it is no longer relevant to your project.
  • The design section is normally divided into several subsections (2.1.1, 2.1.2, etc.), and each design subsection normally maps back to one objective. However, you may have more than one design subsection related to a particular objective.
  • The implementation section is normally divided into several subsections (2.2.1, 2.2.2, etc.), and each implementation subsection normally maps back to one design subsection. However, you may have more than one implementation subsection related to a particular design subsection.
  • The testing section is normally divided into several subsections (2.3.1, 2.3.2, etc.), and each testing subsection normally with maps back to a particular implementation subsection or describes a particular type of testing.
  • The evaluation section is normally divided into several subsections (2.4.1, 2.4.2, etc.), and each evaluation subsection normally maps back to a particular objective.

Report Distinctives

  • The most important parts of the Proposal are usually the Introduction, Project Planning and References.
  • The Progress Report is the same as the Proposal, but it normally contains more details in Methodology.
  • The Final Report is the same as the Progress Report, but it normally contains more details in Methodology. It also has three unique features:

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