1. Introduction

For most FYPs and FYTs, the introduction provides a high level view of what your project or thesis is about, and normally it includes three sections:

  1.     1.1 Overview
  2.     1.2 Objectives
  3.     1.3 Literature Survey or Critical Review

The above web pages tell all or most of what you need to know about writing a good introduction. Keep in mind that the proposal is only your initial attempt to define what you are doing. Your CT will help you refine it after you submit your proposal and progress report.


It is good to keep your audience in mind. Although the primary audience is your two readers, who will give you your grade, you may want to keep in mind secondary audiences:

  • If you are an FYP student who plans to graduate and go into the commercial world, you may want to try to make the Introduction understandable to people without a computer science background. Some employers may be interested in reading your final report, and concisely communicating your ideas to non-technical people is a very important skill to develop in the commercial world.
  • If you are an FYT student who plans to submit your research to a journal or conference, you may want to try to make the Introduction relevant to that audience.
  • If you are a COMP 4910 co-op student, may want to try to make sure that the Introduction is easily understandable to your employer, since you are getting paid for the work.


  • You don't need to do a feasibility study unless your advisor tells you to.
  • If your project is mainly about improving upon an existing system, then you can write a Critical Review of that system instead of writing a Literature Survey. A Critical Review focuses on the aspects of the existing system that you intend to improve, fix, or replace.
  • If you are improving upon an existing system but you also want to talk about other systems, just write a Literature Survey with a subsection about each system.
  • Keep in mind that your report should generally go from high level in your Overview (section 1.1) to low level in your Implementation (section 2.2). Therefore, try to avoid putting low-level details in sections 1.1 and 1.2.

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