FYP Success Tips

Each year, the CSE department selects 5 to 10 winning FYPs. Some previous winners were kind enough to share what helped them the most. Below is a summary of all their comments:

  1. Pick group mates you can work well with, preferably classmates you've already worked with and who you understand and trust.
  2. Pick an interesting topic that is related to courses you've already taken.
  3. Start your project early and work hard at the beginning to research related work, especially algorithms, techniques and tools.
  4. Think hard to identify the key factors that will determine success and then focus hard on these. Possible key factors might be: accuracy, speed, cool graphics, user-friendliness, business value, a unique feature or an innovative technique
  5. Plan and think.
  6. For software development projects, pick powerful development tools and utilize a bug tracking system.
  7. For group projects, use a centralized revision control system, including a wiki and an SVN, to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and documentation.
  8. Think outside the box, i.e., look at problems from a new perspective and be courageous to experiment with new techniques, especially if they might possibly yield better results or save time.
  9. Meet regularly with your supervisor (at least once a month) to receive good guidance.
  10. Read all the papers suggested by your supervisor.
  11. Strive hard to produce a complete system that meets all the requirements, persevering through difficulties.
  12. Trust your group mates and work as a team.

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