Proofreading Checklist
You MUST proofread before handing in the paper. Assign the
person in your group with the best written English skills the task of reading
through the entire paper.
Remember - to proofread means to look for errors.
Proofread especially for
- subject/verb agreement - remember third
person singular eg XXXX
- verb tense - When did/is/will the action take place?
- excess - 'The
rate of the data transfer frequency rate...'
- vague words - 'We did
some tests to
demonstrate that...'
- redundancies - 'The accuracy rate
, falling 50%.'
- spelling mistakes - You have a spell check tool at your
finger tips!
- avoid s/he - use the plural 'they' instead - example:
The user navigates
with... and s/he they can play
- page numbers
- proper nouns - Check the previous literature and be
consistent throughout your paper.
- numbers - zero through nine, 10+ [Do NOT start a sentence
with a number, spell it out - "
500 Five hundred students
participated in the simulation."]
- hyphens - Hyphenate attributive and predicative compound adjectives, like "real-time processing" or "state-of-the-art machine learning models." For more information see
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