FYP/FYT/Co-op Oral Presentation Schedule (2020-2021)

Check the FYP presentation schedule (PDF format). See also the FYT Oral Defenses.

Project List (2020-2021)

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ProjectOral Presentation
Code TypeCat.Title2nd ReaderDate Time (HKT) Venue / Meeting ID Meeting Passcode
AR1 FYP 8 Tower of the Cursed - VR Action RPG Game with Gesture Control and Squeeze-ability qianzh 2021-05-08 (Sat) 09:00-09:40 973-6877-1065 csefyp
AR2 FYP 8 One Plus One - Puzzle-Platform Game qianzh 2021-05-08 (Sat) 09:50-10:30 973-6877-1065 csefyp
AR3 FYP 8 Optimal Path-finding Puzzle-solving Game qianzh 2021-05-08 (Sat) 10:40-11:20 973-6877-1065 csefyp
BL1 FYP 1 FoodCheck - Food Education Mobile Application qianzh 2021-05-08 (Sat) 17:40-18:20 973-6877-1065 csefyp
CD1 FYP 1 A Software Implementation of Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme dipapado 2021-05-10 (Mon) 11:30-12:10 984-8099-9263 csefyp
CECI1 FYP 9 SumNews: Automatic News Summarization dimitris 2021-05-10 (Mon) 09:00-09:40 941-4667-7508 csefyp
CECI2 FYP 13 Virtual Butler: Automated Personal Assistant qianzh 2021-05-28 (Fri) 13:30-14:10 973-6877-1065 csefyp
CECI3 FYP 13 Mobile App on Health and Well-being qianzh 2021-05-08 (Sat) 16:50-17:30 973-6877-1065 csefyp
CHAR1 FYP 1 Phishing Email Detection dipapado 2021-05-10 (Mon) 10:40-11:20 984-8099-9263 csefyp
CHAR2 FYP 1 2D Side-Scroller Action Mobile Game dekai 2021-05-10 (Mon) 09:50-10:30 932-8029-8753 csefyp
CK1 FYP 4 Deep 3D+T Skeletal Graph Convolutions for Action Recognition danxu 2021-05-10 (Mon) 13:10-13:50 960-1455-5997 csefyp
CK2 FYP 4 Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Atomic Action Recognition danxu 2021-05-10 (Mon) 14:00-14:40 960-1455-5997 csefyp
CK4 FYP 4 A Synthesis Approach to Semi-Supervised 3D Pose Estimation from Single Images danxu 2021-05-10 (Mon) 14:50-15:30 960-1455-5997 csefyp
CQF1 FYP 4 Depth Enhancement of Sparse LIDAR Output danxu 2021-05-08 (Sat) 15:10-15:50 960-1455-5997 csefyp
CQF2 FYP 9 Graph Neural Network for Graph Isomorphism danxu 2021-05-08 (Sat) 16:00-16:40 960-1455-5997 csefyp
CQF3 FYP 4 DuMoC: Joint Dual-View Mononization and Compression danxu 2021-05-08 (Sat) 16:50-17:30 960-1455-5997 csefyp
CQFPAS1 FYT 9 Automatic Movie Generation: Controllable Plot Generation and Video Retrieval psander 2021-05-03 (Mon) 10:30-11:10 921-0424-1476 205649
CSB1 FYP 14 Driving Assistant Application danxu 2021-05-08 (Sat) 14:20-15:00 960-1455-5997 csefyp
DCAB1 FYP 2 Mobile Clients for Data Marketplaces dipapado 2021-05-10 (Mon) 09:00-09:40 984-8099-9263 csefyp
DCAB2 FYP 1 Decentralized Data Marketplaces dipapado 2021-05-10 (Mon) 09:50-10:30 984-8099-9263 csefyp
DES1 FYP 9 FRIPE: A Fruit Ripeness Detection App psander 2021-05-10 (Mon) 10:40-11:20 924-8273-4941 csefyp
DES2 FYP 13 Few-Shots Realistic Head Model Video Generation Using Text danxu 2021-05-08 (Sat) 13:30-14:10 960-1455-5997 csefyp
DES3 Co-op 13 [Co-op Program] Mobile Audience Management Platform shaohuais 2021-03-17 (Wed) 15:15-15:55
DES4 FYP 13 GUITA - Automatic Grading System for GUI Programming Assignments shaohuais 2021-05-10 (Mon) 12:20-13:00 984-8934-6942 csefyp
DES5 FYP 13 Microsurgery Mobile VR Simulation Platform qianzh 2021-05-08 (Sat) 15:10-15:50 973-6877-1065 csefyp
DES6 Co-op 13 [Co-op Program] Software Vulnerability Management Dashboard for CLP shaohuais 2021-06-04 (Fri) 15:00-15:40 979-1211-2642 199466
DESCECI1 FYP 5 EleCube: A Natural-Element-Based VR Puzzle Game qianzh 2021-05-08 (Sat) 16:00-16:40 973-6877-1065 csefyp
DL1 FYP 9 A Level-Based Recommendation Application for English Learning Purpose danxu 2021-05-10 (Mon) 15:40-16:20 960-1455-5997 csefyp
DL2 FYP 9 A System for Predicting Stock Price and Offering Financial Advice danxu 2021-05-10 (Mon) 16:30-17:10 960-1455-5997 csefyp
DL3 FYP 9 A System for Predicting Stock Price and Offering Financial Advice danxu 2021-05-10 (Mon) 17:20-18:00 960-1455-5997 csefyp
DL4 FYP 9 A Recommendation System for Knowledge Exploration dimitris 2021-05-10 (Mon) 14:00-14:40 941-4667-7508 csefyp
DL5 Co-op 1 [Co-op Program] Smart IoT Module for Facilitating Vast Deployment of Mobile Diagnostic Platform bli 2021-01-26 (Tue) 14:00-14:40
DL6 Co-op 0 [Co-op Program] Application of smart knowledge and centralised document management system for supervisory technology adoption in Hong Kong -
DY1 FYT 9 Automated Data Augmentation danxu 2021-05-05 (Wed) 15:00-15:40 935-2707-8789 926017
DY2 FYP 9 Masked Facial Recognition Access Control System psander 2021-05-10 (Mon) 09:50-10:30 924-8273-4941 csefyp
DY3 FYP 9 Access Control System with Masked Face Recognition csbb 2021-05-10 (Mon) 10:40-11:20 988-9746-9840 csefyp
FL1 FYP 0 Robo-Advisor with Artificial Intelligence in Investment Management csbb 2021-05-10 (Mon) 09:50-10:30 988-9746-9840 csefyp
FL2 Co-op 1 [Co-op Program] Formal Verification of FPGA Cores For A Physics Experiment cding 2020-11-30 (Mon) 15:00-15:40
FL3 FYP 9 Chinese Sentiment Analysis with Bidirectional Contextualized Representation weiwa 2021-05-08 (Sat) 09:50-10:30 968-7202-7888 csefyp
GCH1 FYP 2 WiFi Sensing and Bus Queue Analysis for a Smart Campus shaohuais 2021-05-08 (Sat) 13:30-14:10 984-8934-6942 csefyp
GCH2 FYT 9 Semi-supervised Wi-Fi Flooring raywong 2021-05-06 (Thu) 15:00-15:40 979-0687-1701 136636
GCH3 FYP 14 PathAdvisor 2.0: Smart Mobility and Navigation in HKUST Campus shaohuais 2021-05-08 (Sat) 14:20-15:00 984-8934-6942 csefyp
GCHLIX1 FYP 9 Smart Car Park - Video Analytics for Next Generation Car Park shaohuais 2021-05-08 (Sat) 09:50-10:30 984-8934-6942 csefyp
GIB1 FYP 11 Indoor Exercising App with Motion Sensors qianzh 2021-05-08 (Sat) 11:30-12:10 973-6877-1065 csefyp
GIB2 FYP 8 UST Shooting! qianzh 2021-05-08 (Sat) 13:30-14:10 973-6877-1065 csefyp
GIB3 FYP 11 An Indoor Exercising App with Motion Sensors qianzh 2021-05-08 (Sat) 14:20-15:00 973-6877-1065 csefyp
GO1 FYT 7 Algorithmic Design and Analysis scheng 2021-05-06 (Thu) 17:00-17:40 993-7390-5170 522518
GO2 FYP 13 Audio Source Separation Using Deep Learning bli 2021-05-08 (Sat) 15:10-15:50 915-2531-8349 csefyp
HO1 FYP 13 Music Rhythm Game achung -
HO2 FYP 13 ToDoRRAG: 2D Top-Down Rogue-Like Retro Arcade Game achung 2021-05-11 (Tue) 14:00-14:40 934-4967-8050 csefyp
HO3 FYP 13 Music Rhythm Game achung 2021-05-11 (Tue) 14:50-15:30 934-4967-8050 csefyp
JA1 FYP 9 Machine Learning for Aviation Turbulence Detection dimitris 2021-05-10 (Mon) 12:20-13:00 941-4667-7508 csefyp
JA3 Co-op 9 [Co-op Program] Neural Machine Translation System dipapado 2021-01-28 (Thu) 15:00-15:40
KAI1 FYP 9 Efficient Federated Machine Learning Training System weiwa 2021-05-08 (Sat) 10:40-11:20 968-7202-7888 csefyp
KAI2 Co-op 15 [Co-op Program] Operational Technology / Industrial Control Systems - Security Strengthening cding 2021-08-11 (Wed) 10:00-10:40
KWT1 FYP 8 Replayable Mobile VR Rhythm Game dekai 2021-05-10 (Mon) 10:40-11:20 932-8029-8753 csefyp
KWT2 FYP 14 VR Content Management for HKUST dekai 2021-05-10 (Mon) 11:30-12:10 932-8029-8753 csefyp
KWT3 FYP 8 Country-Life VR Game Using Unity, Oculus Rift and a DIY Balance Plate Controller dimitris 2021-05-10 (Mon) 09:50-10:30 941-4667-7508 csefyp
LIX1 FYP 14 House of Neith - A Sustainable Fashion Web App scheng 2021-05-10 (Mon) 11:30-12:10 962-8186-6445 csefyp
LIX2 FYP 13 Intelligent Sterilization Robot (ISR) shaohuais 2021-05-08 (Sat) 09:00-09:40 984-8934-6942 csefyp
LIXGCH1 FYP 11 Smart Parking Lot with Real-time Space Monitoring shaohuais 2021-05-08 (Sat) 10:40-11:20 984-8934-6942 csefyp
LUO1 FYP 13 MediGo - Online Healthcare Mobile App for Doctors and Patients shaohuais 2021-05-10 (Mon) 10:40-11:20 984-8934-6942 csefyp
LUO2 FYP 1 A Blockchain System to Store Student Grades cding 2021-05-10 (Mon) 09:50-10:30 964-9967-3892 csefyp
LUO3 FYP 14 Foobar++: A group ordering and delivery app for HKUST shaohuais 2021-05-10 (Mon) 11:30-12:10 984-8934-6942 csefyp
LZ1 FYT 9 Emotion-Aware Conversation System Using a Conditional Transformer and Reinforcement Learning yqsong 2021-05-08 (Sat) 15:10-15:50 921-3358-7886 663031
LZ2 FYP 9 Artificial Neural Network Builder - An Education Tool for High School Students achung 2021-05-08 (Sat) 13:30-14:10 934-4967-8050 csefyp
LZ3 FYP 9 A Neural Style Transfer System for Artworks achung 2021-05-08 (Sat) 14:20-15:00 934-4967-8050 csefyp
LZ4 FYT 9 Contextual Word Embeddings and Polysemy in Hierarchical Topic Modeling yqsong 2021-05-08 (Sat) 16:00-16:40 921-3358-7886 663031
MA1 FYP 9 Sound of Silence scheng 2021-05-10 (Mon) 12:20-13:00 962-8186-6445 csefyp
MU1 FYP 0 USTEats: On-Campus Restaurant Info and Review System dekai 2021-05-10 (Mon) 12:20-13:00 932-8029-8753 csefyp
MU2 FYP 5 Algorithm-driven Android Puzzle Game scheng 2021-05-08 (Sat) 15:10-15:50 962-8186-6445 csefyp
MU3 FYP 14 Time Management Mobile Application bli 2021-05-08 (Sat) 16:00-16:40 915-2531-8349 csefyp
MXJ1 FYP 13 Design and Mock-up Platform for Mobile Phone Interactive Advertisements scheng 2021-05-08 (Sat) 16:00-16:40 962-8186-6445 csefyp
MXJ2 FYP 13 HelloWorld: An Interactive and Playful Advertising System Using Augmented Reality scheng 2021-05-08 (Sat) 16:50-17:30 962-8186-6445 csefyp
MXJ3 FYT 13 Adaptive Virtual Agent in Mixed Reality horner 2021-05-04 (Tue) 14:00-14:40 964-0059-8559 671598
MXJ4 Co-op 13 [Co-op Program] Digital HCM System for Employee Experience Transformation with SAP SuccessFactors weiwa 2020-12-30 (Wed) 16:00-16:40
MXJ5 FYT 13 Automatic Encouragement Generator desmond 2021-05-07 (Fri) 11:00-11:40 996-1033-7791 614640
PAN1 FYP 9 Social Stream Mining: Detecting Astroturfing Network in the 2020 US Election Event dimitris 2021-05-10 (Mon) 10:40-11:20 941-4667-7508 csefyp
PAN2 FYP 9 Hong Kong Restaurant Reviews with Social Data Mining dimitris 2021-05-10 (Mon) 11:30-12:10 941-4667-7508 csefyp
PAN3 FYT 9 Spatiotemporal Fuel Consumption Forecasting dcab 2021-05-03 (Mon) 17:00-17:40 996-3195-6979 756245
PSAN1 FYP 14 Mobile Coupon Redeeming System weiwa 2021-05-08 (Sat) 11:30-12:10 968-7202-7888 csefyp
RAYW1 FYP 3 Social-Content-Fusion Fake News Detection with Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks shaohuais 2021-05-10 (Mon) 09:00-09:40 984-8934-6942 csefyp
RAYW2 FYT 3 Learned Spatial Keyword Indexes gchan 2021-05-06 (Thu) 14:00-14:40 913-0838-5105 651403
RAYW3 FYP 14 UST Navigation Mobile Apps with Augmented Reality (AR) weiwa 2021-05-10 (Mon) 10:40-11:20 968-7202-7888 csefyp
RAYW4 FYP 3 Fake News Detection on Social Network shaohuais 2021-05-10 (Mon) 09:50-10:30 984-8934-6942 csefyp
RIC1 FYP 15 Web API Vulnerability Scanner Framework csbb 2021-05-10 (Mon) 13:10-13:50 988-9746-9840 csefyp
RIC2 FYP 15 Develop and Deploy IoT Honeypot csbb 2021-05-10 (Mon) 14:00-14:40 988-9746-9840 csefyp
RIC3 FYP 15 Security Compliance Checker Tool for Kubernetes on the Cloud csbb 2021-05-10 (Mon) 14:50-15:30 988-9746-9840 csefyp
RIC4 FYP 9 Making Digitially Augmented Identify Documents for Electronic Identify Verification System Testing psander 2021-05-08 (Sat) 09:50-10:30 924-8273-4941 csefyp
RO1 FYP 13 Web-based Platform for Simulated Financial Trading Using Technical Analysis Optimized by Genetic Alogrithm dimitris 2021-05-04 (Tue) 15:00-15:40 941-4667-7508 csefyp
RO2 FYP 0 Financial Stock Trading Advisor Using Machine Learning on Technical Indicators dimitris 2021-05-04 (Tue) 15:50-16:30 941-4667-7508 csefyp
RO3 FYT 13 Long Term Investing with Dynamic Hedging Using a Combination of Stocks and Options dlee 2021-01-29 (Fri) 14:00-14:40
RO4 FYP 1 Using Machine Learning and Algorithmic Trading to Beat the U.S. Stock Market Index bli 2021-05-04 (Tue) 18:00-18:40 915-2531-8349 csefyp
SAI1 FYT 4 Realtime Scan2CAD psander 2021-05-07 (Fri) 10:00-10:40 921-0424-1476 205649
SC1 FYP 1 Automated Code Synthesis bli 2021-05-10 (Mon) 16:30-17:10 915-2531-8349 csefyp
SC2 FYP 1 A System for Finding Empty Spaces on Campus in Real-time and Predicting for the Future dimitris 2021-05-10 (Mon) 14:50-15:30 941-4667-7508 csefyp
SC3 FYP 1 Library Seat Finder dimitris 2021-05-10 (Mon) 15:40-16:20 941-4667-7508 csefyp
SC4 FYP 1 Fight Against COVID-19 dekai 2021-05-10 (Mon) 09:00-09:40 932-8029-8753 csefyp
SW1 FYT 15 Privacy-preserving Program Analysis with Homomorphic Encryption yike 2021-05-08 (Sat) 15:50-16:30 996-2589-8365 765576
SW2 FYP 15 Voice Forgery Generation and Detection Application dekai 2021-05-10 (Mon) 17:20-18:00 932-8029-8753 csefyp
SWRIC1 FYP 15 Deepfake Generation and Detection Web Application dekai 2021-05-10 (Mon) 18:10-18:50 932-8029-8753 csefyp
SYQ1 FYP 9 Medical Text Proecssing: How to better understand COVID-19? dekai 2021-05-10 (Mon) 14:00-14:40 932-8029-8753 csefyp
SYQ2 FYP 9 Knowledge Base Mining for COVID-19 dekai 2021-05-10 (Mon) 14:50-15:30 932-8029-8753 csefyp
SYQ3 FYP 9 Interactive COVID-19 Regression Analysis with Case Maps dekai 2021-05-10 (Mon) 15:40-16:20 932-8029-8753 csefyp
SYQ4 FYP 9 Knowledge Base Mining for COVID-19 dekai 2021-05-10 (Mon) 16:30-17:10 932-8029-8753 csefyp
TA1 FYP 8 Turn-based Strategy Roguelite Game psander 2021-05-10 (Mon) 11:30-12:10 924-8273-4941 csefyp
TA2 FYP 14 The Lost Fragment psander 2021-05-10 (Mon) 12:20-13:00 924-8273-4941 csefyp
TONG1 FYT 9 Faster Regret Matching: Convergence in Full and Bandit-Feedback Two Player Zero-Sum Games golin 2021-05-08 (Sat) 10:00-10:40 948-0062-5513 486205
WEI1 FYP 12 Secure and Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning System with Intel SGX cding 2021-05-10 (Mon) 09:00-09:40 964-9967-3892 csefyp
YIKE1 FYT 15 Secure Multi-party Computation over Private Data shuaiw 2021-05-15 (Sat) 16:00-16:40 996-2589-8365 765576
YIKE2 FYP 8 Programming Game dimitris 2021-05-08 (Sat) 15:10-15:50 941-4667-7508 csefyp

Legend of Category

Category Category Name No. of Project(s)
0 N/A 4
1 Software Technology 13
2 Mobile and Wireless Computing 2
3 Database 3
4 Vision and Graphics 6
5 Mobile Gaming 2
7 Theory 1
8 Computer Games 8
9 Artificial Intelligence 31
11 Embedded Systems and Software 3
12 Operating Systems 1
13 Miscellaneous 20
14 Mobile Applications 9
15 Computer Security 8
Total: 111