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Qualifying Exams, Proposal Defenses & Thesis Defenses (Spring 2011)
Spring 2011
Date | Candidate | Title | Announcements |
27 May 2011 | Miss Yuan Gao | Visual Analytics of Taxi Drivers' Income and Mobility Intelligence | MPhil Thesis Defence |
26 May 2011 | Mr. Weizhu Chen | Modelling Users Search and Browsing Behaviour for Relevance | PhD Qualifying Examination |
24 May 2011 | Mr. Chenfeng Li | An Investigation into the Use of Very Cheap Audio Equipment as a Method of Real-time 3D Sound Source Localization | MPhil Thesis Defence |
16 May 2011 | Mr. Qi Wang | The Linear Complexity of Sequences with Desirable Correlation | PhD Thesis Defence |
16 May 2011 | Mr. Haodi Zhang | A Survey on Reasoning about Action | PhD Qualifying Examination |
6 May 2011 | Mr. Da Yan | Survey on Query Semantics and Evaluation in Uncertain Databases | PhD Qualifying Examination |
3 May 2011 | Mr. Weichen Liu | Design and Optimization of High-Performance Resilient Network-on-Chip Based Multiprocessor System-on-Chip | PhD Thesis Proposal Defence |
29 April 2011 | Mr. Bin Cao | Transfer Learning in Recommendations with Matrix Factorization Models | PhD Thesis Proposal Defence |
20 April 2011 | Mr. Ning Ding | A Survey of Computational Social Choice: Theory and Applications | PhD Qualifying Examination |
20 April 2011 | Mr. Wenchen Zheng | Learning with Sparse Data in Mobile Computing | PhD Thesis Proposal Defence |
19 April 2011 | Mr. Jiliang Wang | Improving Data Delivery Performance in Wireless Sensor Networks | PhD Thesis Proposal Defence |
18 April 2011 | Mr. Tian Fang | Image-based Urban Modeling | PhD Thesis Proposal Defence |
18 April 2011 | Mr. Zhichao Cao | A Survey of Data Forwarding Techniques for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks | PhD Qualifying Examination |
18 April 2011 | Mr. Lei Yang | Efficient Image-Space Data Reuse in Computer Graphics | PhD Thesis Proposal Defence |
18 April 2011 | Mr. Chung Lee | Perception of Data-Reduced Musical Instrument Tones | PhD Thesis Proposal Defence |
11 April 2011 | Mr. Zhexi Wang | City Modelling Using Image Data and Scan Data | PhD Qualifying Examination |
7 April 2011 | Mr. Zhonghua Sheng | Survey on Scalable File Systems for Cloud Computing Environments | PhD Qualifying Examination |
31 March 2011 | Miss Lu Wang | A Survey on Multichannel Access Methods in Wireless Networks | PhD Qualifying Examination |
4 March 2011 | Mr. Xiaofei Zhang | Data Management on Cloud: A Survey | PhD Qualifying Examination |
23 February 2011 | Mr. Youyi Zheng | Semantic-Based Interactive Shape Analysis and Manipulation | PhD Thesis Proposal Defence |
21 February 2011 | Mr. Dongni Ren | Large-Scale Internet Video Streaming: From P2P to Proxy-based Systems | PhD Qualifying Examination |
18 February 2011 | Mr. Zhiqiang Ma | Survey on Programming and Tasking in Cloud Computing Environments | PhD Qualifying Examination |
16 February 2011 | Miss Wenpei Si | A Survey on Additive Synchronous Stream Ciphers | PhD Qualifying Examination |
15 February 2011 | Mr. Lu Wang | Data Aggregation Algorithms in Sensor Networks | PhD Qualifying Examination |
11 February 2011 | Mr. Lixing Wang | Query processing in Wireless Sensor Networks | PhD Qualifying Examination |
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