FYP/FYT Schedule

The final year project (FYP) is a year-long project that includes several required deliverables, an oral presentation and one optional contest entry:

1. Proposal

You have all summer to brainstorm, research, read and plan for your FYP/FYT. Then, you must submit a proposal report in September.

Prior to the deadline, you are free to request help from your CT to proof read your draft and check for missing elements, like a proper literature survey, proper citations and references and proper meeting minutes. After the deadline, your CT will go through your report more closely and provide more detailed feedback.

2. Individual Ethics Essay

Every FYP/FYT student must submit a 600-word analytical essay about an ethical issue that (if possible) is related to his or her project/thesis. It counts for 5% of the final grade, and it is due in October.

3. Three Monthly Reports

Every FYP/FYT team must submit monthly reports for October, November and December/January. They are due in October, November, and January.

4. Progress Report

Your progress report is due in February. This report is a revision of your proposal. In general, it tells what you have completed, what is partly finished and what is still not started yet. The current progress or status of each aspect should be clear in your use of appropriate verb tenses and in your GANTT chart.

Prior to the deadline, you are free to request help from your CT to proof read your draft and check for missing elements. After the deadline, your CT will go through your report more closely and provide more detailed feedback.

5. Final Report

Your final report is a revision of your progress report, and it should include everything you did to implement, test and evaluate your work. It also discusses the results and provides a conclusion and an abstract. It is due in April.

Prior to the deadline, you are free to request help from your CT to proof read your draft and check for missing elements.

6. Self-assessment Report

If you are part of an FYP group with 2-4 members, you must submit a self-assessment report in April.

7. FYP program code

Upload your program code to CSE Linux Workstations as follows in April. For details, see the instructions here.

8. Oral Presentation

Your oral presentation is the climax of your project, when you tell your advisor and second reader what you did. For some students, it is the climax of their entire university education, so feel free to invite your parents and friends to attend. Most students will need to give their presentation in late April or early May. Be sure to practice, since it is an important part of your FYP grade.

9. Video Trailer

After most groups finish their final report, they need to produce a video trailer to summarize their FYP or FYT. The only exception is co-op students. They need to submit a poster instead. These are due in May.

If want to use a video in your oral presentation, you are free to use it for the video trailer requirement.

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