Research Themes
Our research is organized into three major themes: Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Systems. Each theme has its own set of research goals and challenges. Our faculty focuses on making high impact contributions in the field as a whole by tackling key problems in these major directions to address many important applications to society. While our research areas are categorized into one of these themes, many reflect a diverse range of sub-topics and practical applications, which can often straddle these boundaries.
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial intelligence research focuses on studying and developing methods to understand and perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI encompasses a very wide range of techniques and approaches, which include machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, knowledge representation, computer vision, robotics, and expert systems.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Core artificial intelligence research studies how computers can be made to exhibit intelligent behavior in performing certain tasks, which, at the moment, are often done better by human beings. These tasks include speech and language processing, vision, motion control, reasoning, planning, decision making, and learning.
Affiliated Labs & Centers
Vision and Graphics (VG)
The Vision and Graphics group leads research in image analysis, computer vision and computer graphics. Computer Vision and Image Analysis focuses on the challenge of making computers see and understand images while Computer Graphics focuses on the challenge of making computers create pictures. The major research areas under investigation include computer vision, computer graphics, medical image, biometric systems and video processing.
Affiliated Labs & Centers
2. Data Science (DS)
Data Science research focuses on using statistical and computational methods to extract insights and knowledge from data. It encompasses several areas of research within our department, including databases, human-computer interaction, visualization, and theoretical computer science.
Data, Knowledge and Information Management (DB)
Research in Data, Knowledge and Information Management draws upon techniques from the database, knowledge base, information retrieval, software engineering and networking areas and focuses primarily on the effective integration and application of technologies from these areas. It is driven by the need of existing and emerging data-, knowledge- and information-intensive applications in both centralized and distributed environments.
Affiliated Labs & Centers
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Human-Computer Interaction research focuses on data-driven approaches to empowering the seamless integration of the digital realm and the physical world with an emphasis on designing technologies that better fulfill human needs and values. The major research areas include interactive data visualization, augmented reality, affective computing, computational linguistics, and HCI techniques for healthcare, education, e-commerce, robotics, and social welfare.
Affiliated Labs & Centers
Theoretical Computer Science (TH)
The Theoretical Computer Science group studies fundamental problems arising from a variety of computational applications, looks for efficient approaches to solving them, and determines their inherent complexity. In particular, the group's research covers the following topics: design and analysis of algorithms, data structures, computational geometry, information theory, coding theory, cryptography, and database theory.
3. Systems (SY)
Computer systems research tackles challenges in the design and implementation software and hardware methods to perform specific tasks or functions. It often involves the development of hardware and software technologies that can be used to solve complex problems. This theme encompasses cybersecurity, networking, cloud computing, mobile systems, software engineering and programming languages.
Cybersecurity (SEC)
The Cybersecurity group develops cutting edge ideas and tools to greatly strengthen the resistance of computer systems to malicious threats. The group works on all major areas of cyber security such as security, privacy, and cryptography. We aims to be a key voice of cyber security locally in Hong Kong, of greater China, and at the world stage.
Affiliated Labs & Centers
Networking and Computer Systems (NE)
Faculty members in Networking and Computer Systems are conducting cutting edge research that is at the heart of the Information Technology revolution. Their research covers wide and well integrated topics that can be classified as follows: networking equipment, networking applications, networking protocols and networking security.
Affiliated Labs & Centers
Intelligent System and Networking Research Group (iSING Lab)
Software Engineering and Programming Languages (SEPL)
The Software Engineering and Programming Languages group aims to advance and develop solutions to real-world software development problems. Research in the group includes software analysis, testing, verification, static analysis, type systems, debugging, synthesis, repository mining, empirical methods, application of AI in programming, language understanding, parallel and functional programming, compiler design, blockchain, smart contracts, decentralized applications and end-user programming.
Affiliated Labs & Centers
Last updated on 2025-03-24