RECENT PUBLICATIONS (2004-2016) (Please
refer to DBLP Wilfred Ng
for the publications after 2016)
“Forgetting what is behind and straining toward
what is ahead.” (Philippians 3:12-14)
These documents are made available to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly
and technical work. It is no guarantee that they are the final version or the
published version. Copyright and all rights are retained by authors or by other
copyright holders.
Da YAN, James CHENG, Tamer OZSU, F.
YANG, Yi LU, John LUI, Qizhen ZHANG and Wilfred NG. A General-Purpose
Query-Centric Framework for Querying Big Graphs. VLDB 2016, (2016).
Weikeng CHEN, Zhou
ZHAO, Xingyu WANG and Wilfred NG. A Crowdsourced Query
Processing on Microblogs. International Conference on Database Systems for
Advanced Applications DASFAA 2016, Accepted and to Appear. (2016).
Xingyu WANG, Zhou
ZHAO and Wilfred NG. USTF: A Unified System
for Team Formation. IEEE Transactions on Big Data, (2016).
Qiang HUANG, Jianlin
FENG, Yikai ZHANG, Qiong FANG and Wilfred
NG. Query-Aware Locality-Sensitive Hashing
for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search. VLDB 2015, PLVDB 9(1): 1-12, (2015).
Zhou ZHAO, Xiaofei HE Lijun ZHANG,
Xiaocan GUO and Wilfred NG. Graph Regularized
Feature Selection with Data Reconstruction. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering TKDE, Accepted and to
Appear. (2015).
6. Da YAN, James CHENG, Yi LU and Wilfred NG. Effective Techniques for
Message Reduction and Load Balancing in Distributed Graph Computation.
International World Wide Web Conference. WWW 2015, Accepted and to Appear. (2015).
Kenneth LEUNG, Di JIANG, Dik-Lun LEE and Wilfred NG. Constructing Maintainable Semantic Relation Network
from Ambiguous Concepts in Web Content. ACM Transactions on Internet
Technology, Accepted and to Appear. (2015).
Zhou ZHAO Furu WEI, Ming ZHOU and Wilfred NG. Cold-Start Expert
Finding in Community Question Answering via Graph Regularization.
International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications DASFAA
2015, 21 - 38. (2015).
9. Xingyu WANG, Zhou ZHAO and Wilfred NG. A Comparative Study
of Team Formation in Social Networks. International Conference on Database
Systems for Advanced Applications DASFAA 2015, 389 - 404 (2015).
10. Zhou ZHAO, Furu WEI, Ming ZHOU and Wilfred NG. Crowd-Selection Query
Processing in Crowdsourcing Databases:
A Task-Driven Approach. EDBT 2015, Accepted and to
Appear. (2015).
11. Da YAN, Zhou ZHAO and Wilfred NG.
Efficient Processing of Optimal Meeting Point
Queries in Euclidean Space and Road Networks. An International Journal of Knowledge and Information
Systems KAIS 42(2): 319 - 351 (2015).
12. Da YAN, James CHENG, Yi LU and Wilfred NG.
Blogel: A BlockCentric Framework for Distributed
Computation on Real World Graphs. VLDB 2014, PVLDB 7(14): 1981 – 1992,
13. Da YAN, James CHENG, Kai XING, Yi LU, Wilfred NG
and Yingyi BU. Pregel Algorithms for Graph Connectivity Problems
with Performance Guarantees.
VLDB 2014, PVLDB 7(14): 1821 – 1832, (2014).
14. Zhou ZHAO, Lijun ZHANG, Xiaofei HE and Wilfred NG. Expert Finding for
Question Answering via Graph Regularized Matrix Completion. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering TKDE, Accepted and to
Appear. (2014).
15. Da YAN, Zhou ZHAO, Wilfred NG and Steven Liu. Probabilistic
Convex Hull Queries over Uncertain Data. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering TKDE (2014).
16. Zhou ZHAO, James CHENG and Wilfred NG.
Truth Discovery in Data Streams: A Single-Pass
Probabilistic Approach. ACM Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management. ACM CIKM 2014, Accepted and to Appear. (2014).
17. Zhou ZHAO, James CHENG, Furu WEI, Ming ZHOU, Wilfred NG and Yingjun WU. SocialTransfer:
Transferring Social Knowledge for Cold-Start Crowdsourcing. ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge
Management. ACM CIKM 2014, Accepted and to Appear. (2014).
18. Jan VOSECKY, Di JIANG, Kenneth LEUNG, Kai XING and Wilfred NG. Integrating
Social and Auxiliary Semantics for Multi-Faceted Topic Modeling in Twitter. ACM Transactions on Internet
Technology, Accepted and to Appear. (2014).
19. Jan VOSECKY, Kenneth LEUNG and Wilfred NG. Personalized Twitter Search with Topic-Language
Models. ACM International Conference on Information Retrieval. ACM SIGIR 2014 (2014).
20. Di JIANG, Kenneth LEUNG and Wilfred NG. Fast Topic Discovery From Web Search Streams.
International World Wide Web Conference. WWW 2014 (2014).
21. Di JIANG, Kenneth LEUNG, Jan VOSECKY and Wilfred NG. Personalized Query Suggestion With Diversity
Awareness. International
Conference on Data Engineering. IEEE ICDE 2014 (2014).
22. Da YAN, James Cheng, Zhou
ZHAO and Wilfred NG. Efficient
Location-based Search of Trajectories with Location Importance. An International Journal of Knowledge and Information
Systems KAIS, Accepted and to Appear. (2014).
23. Yuanfeng SONG, Wilfred NG, Kenneth LEUNG and Qiong FANG. SFP-Rank: Significant Frequent Pattern Analysis for
Effective Ranking. An International
Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems KAIS, Accepted and to Appear. (2014).
24. Kai XING, Di JIANG, Wilfred NG and Xiaotian HAO. ADI:
Towards a Framework of App Developer Inspection. International Conference
on Database Systems for Advanced Applications DASFAA 2014 (2014).
25. Qiong FANG, Wilfred NG, Jianlin Feng and Yuliang
Li. Mining Order-Preserving
SubMatrices from Probabilistic Matrices. ACM Transactions on Database Systems (2014).
26. Zhou ZHAO, Da YAN and Wilfred NG.
Mining Probabilistically Frequent Sequential Patterns in Large Uncertain
Databases. IEEE Transactions on
Knowledge and Data Engineering TKDE (2013).
27. Da YAN, James CHENG, Wilfred NG and Steven LIU. Finding Distance-Preserving Subgraphs in Large Road
Networks. International
Conference on Data Engineering. IEEE ICDE 2013 (2013).
28. Zhou ZHAO, Da YAN and Wilfred NG.
A Transfer-Learning
based Framework of Crowd-Selection on Twitter. International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and
Data Mining. ACM SIGKDD 2013 (2013). (Demonstration Paper)
29. Jan VOSECKY, Di JIANG, Kenneth LEUNG and Wilfred NG. Dynamic Multi-Faceted Topic Discovery in Twitter. ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge
Management. ACM CIKM 2013 (2013).
30. Di JIANG and Wilfred NG. Mining Web Search
Topics With Diverse Spatiotemporal Patterns. ACM International Conference on
Information Retrieval. ACM SIGIR 2013 (2013).
31. Di JIANG, Jan VOSECKY, Kenneth LEUNG and Wilfred NG.
Panorama: A Semantic-Aware Application Search
Framework. International
Conference on Extending Database Technology EDBT 2013 (2013).
32. Di JIANG, Jan VOSECKY and Wilfred NG. Limosa: A System for Geographic User Interest
Analysis in Twitter. International Conference on Extending Database
Technology EDBT 2013 (2013).
(Demonstration Paper)
33. Zhou ZHAO, Wilfred NG and Zhijun ZHANG. CrowdSeed: Query Processing on Microblogs.
International Conference on Extending Database Technology EDBT 2013 (2013). (Demonstration Paper)
34. Di JIANG, Kenneth LEUNG, Wilfred NG and Hao LI.
Beyond Click Graph: Topic Modeling for Search
Engine Query Log Analysis. International Conference on Database Systems for
Advanced Applications DASFAA 2013 (2013). (Best Student Paper
35. Yuanfeng SONG, Kenneth LEUNG, Qiong FANG and Wilfred
NG. FP-Rank: An Effective Ranking Approach
Based on Frequent Pattern Analysis. International Conference on Database
Systems for Advanced Applications DASFAA 2013 (2013).
36. Da YAN, Zhou ZHAO and Wilfred NG. Monochromatic
and Bichromatic Reverse Nearest Neighbor Queries on Land Surfaces. ACM
Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. ACM CIKM 2012 (2012).
37. Da YAN, Zhou ZHAO and Wilfred NG. Leveraging
Read Rates of Passive RFID Tags for Real-Time Indoor Location Tracking. ACM
Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. ACM CIKM 2012 (2012).
38. Zhou ZHAO and Wilfred NG.
A Model-based Approach for RFID Data Stream
Cleansing. ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. ACM CIKM 2012 (2012).
39. Di JIANG, Jan VOSECKY, Kenneth LEUNG and Wilfred
NG. G-WSTD: A Framework For Geographic Web
Search Topic Discovery. ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge
Management. ACM CIKM 2012 (2012).
40. Zhou ZHAO, Da YAN and Wilfred NG.
A Probabilistic
Convex Hull Query Tool. International Conference on
Extending Database Technology EDBT 2012, page 74-85, (2012). (Demonstration Paper)
41. Zhou ZHAO, Da YAN and Wilfred NG.
Mining Probabilistically
Frequent Sequential Patterns in Uncertain
Databases. International Conference on Extending Database
Technology EDBT 2012, page 74-85, (2012).
42. Jan VOSECKY, Kenneth LEUNG and Wilfred NG. Searching for Quality
Microblog Posts: Filtering and Ranking Based on Content Analysis and Implicit
Links. International Conference of Database Systems for Advanced
Applications. DASFAA 2012 (2012).
43. Junhao GAN, Jianlin FENG, Qiong FANG, Wilfred
NG. Locality-Sensitive
Hashing Scheme Based on Dynamic Collision Counting. International
Conference on Management of Data. ACM SIGMOD 2012 (2012).
44. Kenneth LEUNG, Dik-Lun LEE, Wilfred NG and Hing-Yuet FUNG. A Framework for
Personalizing Web Search with Concept-Based User Profiles. 11(4):17 ACM
Transactions on Internet Technology (2012).
45. Qiong FANG, Jianlin FENG, Wilfred NG. Identifying
Differentially-Expressed Genes via Weighted Rank Aggregation. IEEE
International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), (2011).
46. Qiong FANG, Wilfred
NG, Jianlin FENG and Yuliang LI. Mining
Bucket Order-Preserving SubMatrices in Gene Expression Data. Accepted and
to appear: IEEE Transactions on
Knowledge and Data Engineering (2011).
47. Wilfred NG. Developing RFID Database
Models for Analysing Tag Movement in Supply Chain Management. International
Conference on Conceptual Modeling. ER 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
48. Di JIANG, Kenneth LEUNG and Wilfred NG. Context-Aware Search Personalization with Concept
Preference. ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. ACM
CIKM 2011 (2011).
49. Da YAN, Raymond Chi-Wing WONG and Wilfred NG. Efficient Methods for Finding Influential Locations
with Adaptive Grids. ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge
Management. ACM CIKM 2011 (2011).
50. Da YAN, Zhou ZHAO and Wilfred NG. Efficient Algorithms for Finding Optimal Meeting
Point on Road Networks. VLDB 2011 (2011).
51. Da YAN and Wilfred NG. Robust Ranking of Uncertain Data.
International Conference of Database Systems for Advanced Applications. DASFAA
2011 (Best Paper Award) (2011).
52. You WU and Wilfred NG. Maintaining Consistency of Probabilistic Databases: A
Linear Programming Approach. International Conference on Conceptual
Modeling. ER 2010, Vancouver, Canada, (2010).
53. Qiong FANG, Wilfred
NG and Jianlin FENG. Discovering
Significant Relaxed Order-Preserving Submatrices. International Conference
on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. ACM SIGKDD 2010, Washington DC, U.S.,
54. Ho-Lam LAU and Wilfred
NG. MRM: An Adaptive Framework for XML
Searching, ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. ACM CIKM
2009, Hong Kong, China (Demonstration Paper), (2009).
55. James CHENG, Yiping KE and Wilfred NG. Efficient Processing of
Group-Oriented Connection Queries in a Large Graph, ACM Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management. ACM CIKM 2009, Hong Kong, China, (2009).
56. James CHENG, Yiping KE and Wilfred NG. Context-Aware Object Connection Discovery in Large
Graphs. International Conference on Data Engineering. ICDE 2009, Shanghai, China, pp. 856-867, (2009).
57. James CHENG, Yiping KE and Wilfred NG. Efficient Query
Processing on Graph Databases. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol.
34(1) (2009).
58. An LU and Wilfred NG. Maintaining Consistency of Vague Databases Using Data
Dependencies. Data and Knowledge Engineering, (2008).
59. Wilfred NG. Developing Preference
Band Model to Manage Collective Preferences. International Conference on
Conceptual Modeling. ER 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 5231,
Barcelona, Spain, pp. 26-40, (2008).
60. Kenneth LEUNG, Wilfred
NG and Dik-Lun LEE. Personalized Concept-Based Clustering on Search
Engine Queries. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol.
20(11), pp. 1505-1518, (2008).
61. Yiping KE, James CHENG and Wilfred NG. Efficient Correlation
Search in Graph Databases. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data
Engineering, Vol. 20(12), pp. 1601-1615, (2008).
62. Yiping KE, James CHENG and Wilfred NG. Correlated Pattern
Mining in Quantitative Databases. ACM Transactions on Database Systems,
Vol. 33(3), (2008).
63. Jianlin FENG, Qiong FANG and Wilfred NG. Discovering Bucket
Orders from Full Rankings. International Conference on Management of Data.
ACM SIGMOD 2008, Vancouver, Canada, (2008).
64. James CHENG, Yiping KE and Wilfred NG. Effective
Elimination of Redundant Association Rules. An International Journal
of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, (2007).
65. Aoying ZHOU, Juzhen HE, Wilfred NG and Xiaoling
WANG. Efficient Multi-Query Evaluation over Compressed XML
Data in a Distributed Environment. Accepted and to appear: Journal of Database
Management, (2007).
66. Xiaoling WANG, Aoying ZHOU, Juzhen HE and Wilfred
NG. MQX: Multi-Query Processing Engine for
Compressed XML Data. International
Conference on Information Retrieval. ACM SIGIR 2007, Amsterdam, Holland
(Demonstration Paper), pp. 897, (2007).
67. Ho-Lam LAU and Wilfred
NG. A Multi-Ranker Model for Adaptive XML
Searching. The VLDB Journal, 17(1) pp. 57-80, (2007).
68. Wilfred NG. Prioritized Preferences
and Choice Constraints. International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. ER
2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4801, Auckland, New Zealand, pp.
261-276, (2007).
69. An LU and Wilfred NG. Handling Inconsistency of Vague Relations with
Functional Dependencies. International Conference on Conceptual Modeling.
ER 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4801, Auckland, New Zealand,
pp. 229-244, (2007).
70. An LU and Wilfred NG. Mining Hesitation Information by Vague Association
Rules. International Conference on Conceptual Modeling. ER 2007, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4801, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 39-55, (2007).
71. Yiping KE, James CHENG and Wilfred NG. An Information-Theoretic
Approach to Quantitative Association Rule Mining. An International Journal
of Knowledge and Information Systems, (2007).
72. Yiping KE, James CHENG and Wilfred NG. Correlation Search in
Graph Databases. International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining. ACM SIGKDD 2007, San Jose, CA, U.S., pp. 390-399, (2007). (Nomination for the Best Paper Award)
73. James CHENG, Yiping KE, Wilfred NG and An LU. FG-Index:
Towards Verification-Free Query Processing on Graph Databases.
International Conference on Managing of Data. ACM SIGMOD 2007, Beijing, China,
pp. 857-872, (2007).
74. James CHENG, Yiping KE and Wilfred NG. Maintaining Frequent
Closed Itemsets over a Sliding Window. Journal of Intelligent Information
Systems, (2007).
75. Ho-Lam LAU and Wilfred NG. Towards an Adaptive Information Merging Using
Selected XML Fragments. International Conference of Database Systems for
Advanced Applications. DASFAA 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.
4443, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 1013-1019, (2007).
76. James CHENG and Wilfred NG. A Development of Hash-Lookup Trees to Support
Querying Streaming XML. International Conference of Database Systems for Advanced
Applications. DASFAA 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4443,
Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 768-780, (2007).
77. Wilfred NG and James CHENG. An
Efficient Index Lattice for XML Query Evaluation. International Conference
of Database Systems for Advanced Applications. DASFAA 2007, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science Vol. 4443, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 753-767, (2007).
78. An LU, Yiping KE, James CHENG and Wilfred NG. Mining Vague Association Rules. International
Conference of Database Systems for Advanced Applications. DASFAA 2007, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4443, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 891-897, (2007).
79. Wilfred NG. Book Review: An
Introduction to Search Engines and Web Navigation. An International Journal
of Information Processing & Management, pp. 290-292, 43(1) (2007).
80. Wilfred NG and Ho-Lam LAU. A
Co-Training Framework for Searching XML Documents. Information Systems,
32(3), pp. 477-503, (2007).
81. James CHENG, Yiping KE and Wilfred NG. A Survey on Algorithms for Mining Frequent Itemsets
Over Data Streams. An International Journal of Knowledge and Information
Systems, (2006). (Most cited KAIS
Journal article in 2008-2009)
82. Wilfred NG, Ho-Lam LAU and Aoying ZHOU. Divide, Compress and Conquer: Querying XML via
Partitioned Path-Based Compressed Data Blocks. World Wide Web Journal,
83. Wilfred NG, Lin DENG and Dik-Lun LEE. Spying Out Real User Preferences in Web Searching.
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, (2006).
84. James CHENG, Yiping KE and Wilfred NG. δ-Tolerance δ-Tolerance Closed Frequent Itemsets. IEEE
International Conference on Data Mining. ICDM 2006, Hong Kong, (2006).
85. Wilfred NG. Preference Functional
Dependencies for Managing Choices. International Conference on Conceptual
Modeling. ER 2006, Lecture Notes of Computer Science Vol. 4215, Tucson,
Arizona, U.S., pp. 140-154, (2006).
86. Yiping KE, James CHENG and Wilfred NG. Mining Quantitative Correlated Patterns Using an
Information-Theoretic Approach. International Conference on Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining. ACM SIGKDD 2006, Philadelphia, U.S., pp. 227-236,
87. Yin YANG, Wilfred NG, Ho-Lam LAU and James
CHENG. An Efficient Approach to Support Querying
Secure Outsourced XML Information. Conference on Advanced Information
Systems Engineering. CAiSE 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4007,
Luxembourg, pp. 157-171, (2006).
88. James CHENG, Yiping KE and Wilfred NG. Maintaining Frequent Itemsets over High-Speed Data
Streams. Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.
PAKDD 2006, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNAI Vol. 3918, Singapore,
pp. 462-467, (2006).
89. Juzhen HE, Wilfred NG, Xiaoling WANG and Aoying
ZHOU. An Efficient Co-operative Framework for
Multi-Query Processing over Compressed XML Data. International Conference
of Database Systems for Advanced Applications. DASFAA 2006, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science Vol. 3882, Singapore, pp. 218-232, (2006).
90. Lin DENG, Wilfred NG, Xiaoyong CHAI, and
Dik-Lun LEE. Spying Out Accurate User Preferences
for Search Engine Adaptation. A Book Chapter in Web Mining and Web Usage
Analysis", Edited by B. Mobasher, B. Liu and B. Masand and O. Nasaroui,
Springer Verlag Publishers, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Vol. 3932,
pp. 87-103, (2006).
91. Joseph FONG, Wilfred NG, Sau Keung CHEUNG, Ian
AU. Positioning-based Query Translation between
SQL and XQL with location counter. International Workshop on XML Research
and Applications. XRA 2006, Lecture Notes of Computer Science Vol. 3842,
Harbin, China, pp. 11-18, (2006).
92. Yiping KE, James CHENG and Wilfred NG. The MIC Framework: An Information-Theoretic Approach
to Quantitative Association Rule Mining. International Conference on Data
Engineering. ICDE 2006, (Poster), (2006).
93. Yiping KE, Lin DENG, Wilfred NG and Dik-Lun
LEE. Web Dynamics and their Ramifications for the
Development of Web Search Engines. Computer Networks Journal - Special
Issue on Web Dynamics, (2005).
94. Wilfred NG, Wai-Yeung LAM, Peter WOOD and Mark LEVENE. XCQ: A Queriable XML Compression System. An
International Journal of Knowledge and Information Systems, (2005).
95. Wilfred NG, Wai-Yeung LAM and James CHENG. Comparative Analysis of XML Compression Technologies.
World Wide Web Journal: Internet and Web Information Systems, (2005).
96. An LU and Wilfred NG. Vague Sets or Intuitionist Fuzzy Sets for Handling
Vague Data: Which one is better? International Conference on Conceptual
Modeling ER 2005, Lecture Notes of Computer Science Vol.3716, Klagenfurt,
Austria, page 401-416 (2005).
97. Wilfred NG and Ho-Lam LAU. Effective
Approaches for Watermarking XML Data. 10th International Conference on
Database Systems for Advanced Applications DASFAA 2005, Lecture Notes of
Computer Science Vol.3453, Beijing, China, page 68-80, (2005).
98. Ho-Lam LAU and Wilfred NG. A Unifying Framework for Merging and Evaluating
XML Information. 10th International Conference on Database Systems for
Advanced Applications DASFAA 2005, Lecture Notes of Computer Science Vol.3453,
Beijing, China, page 81-94, (2005).
99. Qingzhao TAN, Yiping KE and Wilfred NG. WUML: A Web Usage Manipulation Language For Querying
Web Log Data. International Conference on Conceptual Modeling ER 2004,
Lecture Notes of Computer Science Vol.3288, Shanghai, China, page 567-581,
An LU and Wilfred
NG. Managing Merged Data by Vague Functional
Dependencies. International Conference on Conceptual Modeling ER 2004,
Lecture Notes of Computer Science Vol.3288, Shanghai, China, page 259-272
Lin DENG, Xiaoyong
CHAI, Qingzhao TAN, Wilfred NG, Dik-Lun LEE. Spying Out Real User Preferences for Metasearch
Engine Personalization. ACM Proceedings of WEBKDD Workshop on Web Mining and
Web Usage Analysis 2004, Seattle, USA, (2004).
James CHENG and Wilfred
NG. XQzip: Querying Compressed XML Using
Structural Indexing. International Conference on Extending Database
Technology EDBT 2004, Lecture Notes of Computer Science Vol.2992, Heraklion,
Crete, Greece, page 219-236, (2004).
Qingzhao TAN,
Xiaoyong CHAI, Wilfred NG and Dik-Lun LEE. Applying Co-training to Clickthrough Data for Search Engine Adaptation.
9th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications
DASFAA 2004, Lecture Notes of Computer Science Vol. 2973, Jeju Island, Korea,
page 519-532, (2004).